Prior to founding UXTalent, I led Talent Strategy at Greendot (IPOed) and Intuit via the Digital Insight acquisition.
BIO: Helen Park advises fast growth companies on Talent Strategy. Former consultant at Green Dot (GDOT), a prepaid financial services company that provides money management solutions. During 2 years of her consulting engagement at Green Dot, employee growth was over 50% and Green Dot successfully went public in July 2010. Green Dot's 2009 revenue had a 40% increase from 2008 and Net Income also rose by 118% in 2009. Prior to Green Dot, She was a Director of Talent Acquisition of Digital Insight (DGIN), a company that provides outsourced online banking services to middle market financial institutions. During her tenure, the company’s stock price and market capitalization tripled, driven by rapid and consistent growth in revenue and operating income. In February 2007, Intuit (INTU) acquired Digital Insight for $1.4 billion.