MenuHow can you acquire a unique knowledge that sets you apart from your competition and provides high value while gaining attention?
What I would recommend is to find out what your competitions are not doing. then figure out how you can add more value at that area.
Adding more value to people life that out weight your competitions is the key to stand out.
There are many experts out there vying for attention. If they don't have deep knowledge; all they are offering is a quick fix. They are just hustlers. To me this is just 'desperate for a buck web marketing.'
Don't go there.
To set yourself apart you do need deep knowledge and experience in your field. If it is relationships, then focus on relationships. However, I would hope that you have qualifications and experience in that field.
I have worked with a social worker who had extended her studies into relationship counselling. She was in her early 60's and had spent many years counselling families and couples.
I worked with her on her target market and how best to reach out to them. It wasn't hard to put together a website of her writings specifically answering the problems couples faced, both gay and heterosexual. She knew stuff, could write clearly and knew how to help people.
I even used her for relationship counselling myself when I recently got married and wanted to work on a few things with my partner.
I also worked with an alternative health practitioner who wanted to target women with fertility treatments. I knew he had no deep knowledge or any experience in that field. I couldn't help him. Nobody was going to believe him, unless desperate.
I have since worked with a Gynaecologist with deep knowledge, experience and know-how of in-vitro fertility treatments. The difference between these two was huge, one a wanna-be the other an expert. Guess who gets all the fertility work in their target areas?
To set yourself apart from the competition is to get out there and do the work, write about it and keep at it. This takes time, often many years.
If you have that expertise, then what you are asking for is how to reach your target audience. That is down to marketing and choosing channels to reach them. I think a WordPress website is the way to go for creating the articles that people area searching for to solve their problems. They are looking for answers.
You may be able to solve their problem.
Do read widely in your topic, practice, and check out some Cal Newport's writings or videos on deep work.
I think it is better to take small steps and build up a long term proposition in something you are really good at helping people with.
Nigel Rawlins
I operate numerous businesses in niche fields and I know several Life Coaches and Self-Development coaches.
From what I see with all of these examples, firstly your customers will be buying into YOU so make sure you have a unique and relatable story and experience to draw on. For instance, one coach I know quit drinking alcohol to improve his health and relationships, and then started a "30 Day No Alcohol challenge" product. If you can draw from your own journey to create your niche, you will have more credibility.
Step #1 - Be an expert. 10-20+ years of personal experience usually suffices.
Step #2 - Till you get your 10-20+ years experience, curate other experts information.
A quick scan through YouTube suggests anyone can live well, rehashing/curating content of other experts.
Step #3 - Define your Audience first, then determine content format + venues to use. Venue means something like Udemy.
The questions you're asking tend to have long horizon answers + a good bit of work along your horizon.
You might consider joining https://Fizzle.co for assistance.
Seems like I have a link for a 5 week free trial somewhere, so if you'd like me to dig for this, message me + I'll find it.
In general, I'd likely go more for speaking at Meetups if your primary income generation revolves around face to face interaction.
If your primary income generation revolves around content, then first step - get blogging.
Udemy + other educational sites tend to keep changing their rules, so you'll likely be better served to host courses + content on your own site + drive traffic to your site.
Udemy get lowest marks. Since they instituted forced low pricing several years back, most of their biggest sellers left.
Also Udemy tends to host more tech centric courses, than consciousness centric.
I think that should focus on the core aspects of the skills that you have and build from there. Clearly you have expertise, so emphasise that and then as you go build on it. You may be surprised just how much of an "expert" you are when you really consider your experience and knowledge on a certain aspect of your field of interest. Taking a course if fine, but it needs to be done building upon what you already have so that it compliments your skills and abilities. That will set you apart from the competition. Anyone can take a course, but no-one else has your specific life experience or skills.
It seems to me like you need someone to help in defining precisely what you are aiming to be an expert in and then take it from there, with articles, blogs, podcasts etc.
Happy to help you through this process if you like.
Acquire knowledge in your respective field of interest from coursera or edx or ventura.
These are some renowned online learning sources which will set you apart from your competition
Show me, don't tell me.
Focus on showing how you excel at solving your customers' problems or pain points. Do this by:
-Blogging on relevant topics
-Commenting on forums where your target customers are engaging in discussions
-Publishing videos wherein you discuss a particular issue your audience struggles with
-Doing public speaking where your target market may attend (e.g., MeetUps)
Let the establishment of your expertise be passive. Your audience will decide whether you are an expert regardless of letters after your name.
Life coaching isn't on par with being a psychologist so credentials don't matter in the same way.
You mix the HOW (the platform you will use to provide your lessons) with the WHAT (your offering).
First work on your WHAT and how it answers the need of your WHO (your target group). This is the most difficult part - I can help you with that.
Once you have a unique proposition, then you will know where your target group goes to find the knowledge you are offering.
How You acquire uncommon knowledge to gain that great constant attention through uncommon strategic means once you have detected that uncommon secret that becomes unique only to your career when you adopt it to gain constant value from your audience. This uncommon strategic methods I can reveal to you when you give me call.
There is a Sanskrit saying in India, “I became blind, like an intoxicated elephant, when I acquired a little knowledge. My mind was overcome with pride and I thought I knew everything. I realized how ignorant I really was when I began to learn more, little by little, from the truly wise; then, my pride subsided, like a fever.”
To stay on top in the market look closely at the following points and always try to learn form other’s mistakes that led to their downfall.
Lower your prices: Simply being the cheapest supplier can be an effective way to attract new customers, but what your business sells will have a major impact on how effective this technique will be. If your business sells commodity items such as books, CDs, DVDs etc., which are identical no matter which retailer sells them, consumers will look for the cheapest price. Attracting customers away from competitors may have a price component, but this isn’t the only factor consumers will use for goods that are not seen as commodities.
Create brand loyalty: Inviting customers to become part of your brand can be a powerful attractor. Trust and interest in a business’ customers and what they do are strong ways your business’ brand can become highly attractive to your competitor’s customers. The emotional ties your business can make via social media for instance can be highly effective.
Raise your profile: As consumers are constantly bombarded with marketing messages, making your business standout from the crowd is vital. This granular marketing is a highly effective way to raise your business’ profile in the minds of your competitor’s customers. Offering these across your social networks could enable you to steal some of your competitor’s customers. Creating content for these groups delivers these shareable materials, which could mean your brand and business becomes more desirable to buy from than your competitors.
Encourage brand advocates: One of the most powerful ways to attract customer from your competitors is via word-of-mouth. A personal recommendation – often on social media – can have a profound impact on consumers looking for goods and services. Look closely at your business’ key influencers. Your business should support these groups or individuals, as they can often be the start of a recommendation that then widely disseminated across what could be vast networks. As a small business owner, this can be an effective low-cost acquisition channel if done well.
Support your customers: Moreover, consumers are using their experience of a business’ customer service support as a means to differentiate businesses in any given market, which they use to decide where to spend their money.
Invest in m-commerce: How consumers now connect and buy from businesses has changed. Businesses that can embrace the mobile space will be highly attractive to customers – especially those in the lucrative millennial group. Businesses that can use the mobile channel with dedicated websites and apps will be able to gain the customers looking to do even more with their phones and tablets. As figures from eMarketer suggest that nearly 50% of m-commerce sales are completed with smartphones, businesses need to ensure they are fully supporting this burgeoning channel across their businesses. According to the Business of Apps global revenue from in-app purchases could reach USD $189 billion by 2020. What is clear for all businesses, is if they can expand into m-commerce this could be a massive attractor for competitor customers.
Always Active: They are usually only set in response to actions made by you which amount to a request for services, such as setting your privacy preferences, logging in or filling in forms. They may be set by us or by third party providers whose services we have added to our pages. They do not store directly personal information but are based on uniquely identifying your browser and internet device. They can track your browser across other sites and building up a profile of your interests.
Besides if you do have any questions give me a call: https://clarity.fm/joy-brotonath
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How has Uber grown so fast?
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How much equity should I ask as a CMO in a startup?
Greater risk = greater equity. How likely is this to fail or just break even? If you aren't receiving salary yet are among 4-6 non-founders with equivalent sweat investment, all of whom are lower on the totem pole than the two founders, figure out: 1) Taking into account all likely outcomes, what is the most likely outcome in terms of exit? (ex: $10MM.) Keep in mind that 90%+ of all tech startups fail (Allmand Law study), and of those that succeed 88% of M&A deals are under $100MM. Startups that exit at $1B+ are so rare they are called "unicorns"... so don't count on that, no matter how exciting it feels right now. 2) Figure out what 1% equity would give you in terms of payout for the most likely exit. For example, a $10MM exit would give you $100k for every 1% you own. 3) Decide what the chance is that the startup will fail / go bankrupt / get stuck at a $1MM business with no exit in sight. (According to Allman Law's study, 10% stay in business - and far fewer than that actually exit). 4) Multiply the % chance of success by the likely outcome if successful. Now each 1% of equity is worth $10k. You could get lucky and have it be worth millions, or it could be worth nothing. (With the hypothetical numbers I'm giving here, including the odds, you are working for $10k per 1% equity received if the most likely exit is $10MM and the % chance of failure is 90%.) 5) Come up with a vesting path. Commit to one year, get X equity at the end. If you were salaried, the path would be more like 4 years, but since it's free you deserve instant equity as long as you follow through for a reasonable period of time. 6) Assuming you get agreement in writing from the founders, what amount of $ would you take in exchange for 12 months of free work? Now multiply that by 2 to factor in the fact that the payout would be far down the road, and that there is risk. 7) What percentage share of equity would you need in order to equal that payout on exit? 8) Multiply that number by 2-3x to account for likely dilution over time. 9) If the founders aren't willing to give you that much equity in writing, then it's time to move on! If they are, then decide whether you're willing to take the risk in exchange for potentially big rewards (and of course, potentially empty pockets). It's a fascinating topic with a lot of speculation involved, so if you want to discuss in depth, set up a call with me on Clarity. Hope that helps!RD
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