Field of interest:
Relationships and Health
Example: "I Will Teach You to Be Rich" website offers long form articles / interviews that go beyond what a normal blog would do.
If I wish to assert myself as a Life Coach. I need to sell myself, and define my position. But I lack some skills in order to present myself as an expert.
Should I go on Udemy? Khan University? What knowledge could set me apart from competition?
I think that should focus on the core aspects of the skills that you have and build from there. Clearly you have expertise, so emphasise that and then as you go build on it. You may be surprised just how much of an "expert" you are when you really consider your experience and knowledge on a certain aspect of your field of interest. Taking a course if fine, but it needs to be done building upon what you already have so that it compliments your skills and abilities. That will set you apart from the competition. Anyone can take a course, but no-one else has your specific life experience or skills.
It seems to me like you need someone to help in defining precisely what you are aiming to be an expert in and then take it from there, with articles, blogs, podcasts etc.
Happy to help you through this process if you like.