Example: "I Will Teach You to Be Rich" website offers long form articles / interviews that go beyond what a normal blog would do.
If I wish to assert myself as a Life Coach. I need to sell myself, and define my position. But I lack some skills in order to present myself as an expert.
Should I go on Udemy? Khan University? What knowledge could set me apart from competition?
Step #1 - Be an expert. 10-20+ years of personal experience usually suffices.
Step #2 - Till you get your 10-20+ years experience, curate other experts information.
A quick scan through YouTube suggests anyone can live well, rehashing/curating content of other experts.
Step #3 - Define your Audience first, then determine content format + venues to use. Venue means something like Udemy.
The questions you're asking tend to have long horizon answers + a good bit of work along your horizon.
You might consider joining https://Fizzle.co for assistance.
Seems like I have a link for a 5 week free trial somewhere, so if you'd like me to dig for this, message me + I'll find it.
In general, I'd likely go more for speaking at Meetups if your primary income generation revolves around face to face interaction.
If your primary income generation revolves around content, then first step - get blogging.
Udemy + other educational sites tend to keep changing their rules, so you'll likely be better served to host courses + content on your own site + drive traffic to your site.
Udemy get lowest marks. Since they instituted forced low pricing several years back, most of their biggest sellers left.
Also Udemy tends to host more tech centric courses, than consciousness centric.