MenuWhat is Binary MLM software, and what are its key features?
I’m considering using a binary MLM plan for my business, but I’m not sure how the software works or what features to look for. How does Binary MLM software help manage an MLM business, and what are its key functionalities?
First of all, let’s understand what a binary MLM software is.
Binary MLM software is an MLM software with a binary MLM plan. It assists MLM companies to automate and manage the most fundamental MLM activities, like:
Management of the compensation plan
Management and payment of commissions
Distributor recruitment and training
Lead generation
Sales prospecting etc.
A binary MLM platform enable companies to properly align with customer and market needs through a customer-focused strategy.
Now, let’s look at the key features of binary MLM software
>> Compensation plan management: The binary MLM plan (https://www.epixelmlmsoftware.com/binary-mlm-compensation-plan), its structure, as well as commissions and bonuses, are handled by the software.
>> Genealogy tree: Distributors can view their complete downline team, their basic details, sales performance, commissions earned, etc.
>> Commission calculation: The commissions and bonuses in the binary MLM plan are completely automated in the binary software.
>> Lead generation: The software identifies and attracts quality leads through impactful lead generation strategies.
>> Sales prospecting tools: Distributors and admins can rightly utilize these tools to convert potential prospects to long term customers.
>> Distributor onboarding tools: Streamlined tools for distributor onboarding simplifies the process giving them a personalized onboarding experience.
>> Distributor training system: The training system ensures that the distributors in the binary network are rightly trained and upskilled with data-driven training programs.
>> Customer acquisition: These tools ensures that customers receive real-time support to their queries and concerns.
>> Ecommerce management: Use the software to easily set up an ecommerce store with store builder.
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