MenuHow many number of users does it take to reach critical mass for ad sales?
How can I project how many users a site will need before it can anticipate robust ad sales?
Source: I founded www.buyads.com and www.isocket.com, which powers the direct ad sales for the web's best sites (like TechCrunch, AOL, Microsoft, etc)
We hand invited the publishers that join our market because, as your question suggests, there is some threshold between who should and should not try direct sales.
There are no hard rules, just guidelines.
The superseding one is this: Do you have inventory (audience) an advertiser would take the time to specifically work with you for? If you open a "store" and starting selling this stuff, do people want to buy it?
One measure is traffic, but that's not enough. In general we like to look for sites with 100,000 page views a month or more.
But it can depend on the content and vertical. For example, we power a website that gets 25k hits a month but is the only site covering the voice over talent industry in Hollywood - so its super nichey and there is a market for those advertisers.
Other examples of small but successful premium properties include some hyperlocal ones (www.queensmamas.com, www.brooklynheightsblog.com, www.brokelyn.com, etc), the largest blog for truckers, largest blog for prison wardens, etc.
The conflicting examples are sites with large traffic but bad audiences/verticals. We reject a lot of "tech blog" also-rans that just copy and paste content from TechCrunch but get a lot of SEO traffic from it. Or even if it's a legit site, it can be in a bad brand-advertiser vertical like home finance / mortgages (which is mostly lead gen advertisers)
it depends, in all reality you should ask this to potential investors... as they all have their own criteria. in my experience it has always been 5k to 10k users or dllr amount. that's when your startup shifts from idea validation to growth (emerging business) and pitching becomes easier and more realistic for most angels... the projection again is best to make relations with investors (if that's your goal) so you know what they look for... before you actually need to pitch them... hope it helps a bit ;)
I need more information to answer effectively. There is no "one size fits all" solution. Anyone who offers you one is either high or trying to blow smoke.
If you want to discuss this over the phone, feel free to set up a call.
Critical mass cannot be achieved instantly in any case. Success is only possible for those who work hard, work smart and stay vigilant in the market. This has been the most widely used indicator for measuring a company’s achievement of critical mass. In reaching critical mass, however, missing that target revenue stream is the difference between future growth and frustration. To ensure that critical mass is achieved, the entrepreneur must have measurable goals. These goals can be as simple as determining the monthly revenue needed to be self-sufficient, or as complex as determining the number of new clients each salesperson needs to engage. Celebrate each client or sale that brings the company closer to critical mass and encourage the employees to cheer each other on as well. Often overlooked, one of the important indicators of a company’s preparation for critical mass is the strength of its early adopters. By capitalizing on the unique relationship early adopters have with your company, reaching critical mass can happen quickly.
You can read more here: https://www.cleverism.com/critical-mass-complete-guide/
Besides if you do have any questions give me a call: https://clarity.fm/joy-brotonath
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Kudos to you for seeing the value in great copy. I love that you mentioned 37signals, which is an organization that's made copywriting part of almost everyone's jobs (or so they've shared on their blog). MailChimp and Zendesk are two others that people often point to re: great copy that builds a brand and differentiates; Groupon is another awesome example of really, really tonal copy that people actually read (which is more than half the battle). MailChimp has in-house copywriters, including Kate Kiefer (https://twitter.com/katekiefer), and so does Groupon. I'm not sure who writes for Dropbox or Zendesk, though searching companies on LinkedIn can often reveal little-known in-house geniuses. The startups you mention have a certain style and tone that I have to say is different from what you'll normally get with a "direct response" copywriter, though by all means check out the link David Berman submitted to you because you never know. I recommend that, to achieve the slightly funky, funny-ish copy you're looking for, you seek out a conversion-focused copywriter with a creative and UX background. You need someone who's totally at ease adopting a new voice / tone and using it appropriately across your site and in your emails; less experienced copywriters might be heavy-handed with the tone, which often gets in the way of the user experience (e.g., button copy that's tonal can lead to confusion). Be careful, of course, not to push your writer to be exceptionally creative -- because a little touch of tone goes a loooong way for busy, scanning eyes. Here are some great freelance copywriters you could consider: http://copyhackers.com/freelance-copywriters-for-hire/ The link to Neville's Kopywriting peeps is also great. Before hiring, ask to see a portfolio or get a) links to websites they've written and b) a zip of emails they've written; if a writer is accepting clients, they'll usually showcase their work on their website. Check out their blog and tweets to see if their voice comes through in their own writing. Don't hire bloggers or content creators for a job a copywriter should do. Don't hire print copywriters for web work unless they do both. And when you find a great copywriter, trust them... and don't let them go - because 10 bucks says, they're in demand or about to be.JW
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