MenuWhat are some products or strategies that can help my remote team work more collaboratively in terms of communication and documenting knowledge?
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A way that you can help your team is to communicate expectations clearly and early.
This includes team meetings, how you work together, and 1-2-1s with managers to see how everything is going. It’s important that managers or team leaders have clearly communicated with their team what project milestones need to be met and when, what roles everyone has, and how everyone is expected to keep in touch both internally and with clients.
There are now plenty of tools on the market to communicate and work collaborative together, including Slack and Google hangouts for instant messaging, Zoom for video call, and Asana and Click-up for Task / Project management.
I would be happy to talk to you about other ways you can work best with your remote team, and if you wish to talk further, please book a call with me.
I recommend using a strong KPI system with regular meetings. I have employed this strategy with my clients who have virtual and or hybrid virtual and traditional team. Every client I have implemented this with has seen amazing results in increase productivity and accountability in their teams. I teach this process and manage it for many clients over the past five years.
Ensure a good team work I must suggest to first coordinate with your employees and workers understand their needs ,their comfort zone where they like to work . Management circulates around only leader and their follower,as an art first analyze your team worker study their behaviour then only come to any result .you will automatically find your answer
For more knowledge
Call me -Sherry nicolus
Basecamp works for my team. It has a lot of features to keep everything organized.
Not dropping links since the last time I did I was flagged for spamming :D
The other lovely people here have already mentioned the tools, processes and methods that can help.
I've found in my experience the biggest cause of grief for remote teams is context, or specifically the lack of context. Providing the why and how can help remote teams prioritise work, ask better questions and when forced into making decisions these usually fare better than those of teams without context.
There are a number of companies that are extremely successful at working fully remotely like InVision or Zapier, and one great thing they share is that they've actually done "manuals" on remote work. Check this out for example: https://zapier.com/learn/remote-work/ .
One thing many people will tell you is the importance of over-sharing. Try to share as much as possible and have ways of doing it. Besides the typical Slack, Zoom or Trello to work remotely I highly suggest you check out Mural.co for design teams.
You might post this question to Experts Exchange also, as many developer there work on large teams every day.
No matter what products you use, if your remote team is not cooperating the product is useless. What is important is strategies. Let us look at few strategies I as an HR employed in my company during the surging cases in coronavirus pandemic in India.
1. Have a Daily Check-In: Whenever possible, this should be one-on-one, and face-to-face via video. Phone conversations, email, and Slack go only so far. Your team needs to see you, and you need to see them. The good news is that services like Zoom or Google's Team Hangouts make this relatively easy. At first, this should be every day. The purpose is simple--set the agenda and provide the feedback and resources your team members need.
2. Communicate a Lot: It probably goes without saying that you should be in regular communication with your team. One of the hardest things about working from home, especially if you are used to an office environment, is the sense of loneliness and isolation that can set in. That is especially true considering that many people are practicing social distancing.
3. Take Advantage of Technology: As a manager, your job is to keep your team connected. Communication tools are a simple way to keep everyone engaged. While email and text messages might be a short-term solution, tools like Slack or Microsoft Teams are far better suited for collaboration and communication. Some of those collaboration tools are even available for free right now.
4. Manage Expectations: Help your team figure out what they should do and create realistic expectations for their work. By the way, "managing expectations" applies to you as a manager as well. Set yourself and your team up for success by clearly stating both the tasks and the reasons behind them, and help your team understand exactly how you will measure success. That means defining the scope, deadlines, and deliverables for each task or project your team is working on. Otherwise, do not be surprised if a few weeks from now you find yourself wondering what everyone was doing.
5. Focus on Outcomes, Not Activity: It is not possible to manage every aspect of the work done by a remote team. For what it is worth, you should not be trying to manage every aspect of any team's work, but especially when your team is distributed across different locations. Instead of focusing on activity or hours worked, focus on the outcomes, and measure your team accordingly.
6. Resource Your Team: Make sure your team has the technology it needs to get the work done. If you suddenly have a team of remote workers, that means there is a good chance they need tools like laptops, software, mobile devices, or even a high-speed internet connection. It is not reasonable to assume that everyone has all those things, and it is your responsibility as a manager to make sure they do.
7. Be Flexible: Understand that, especially in the current environment, your team has a lot going on. That is not an excuse for not getting things done, but it is a reason to reconsider what productivity really means. Punching a clock for eight hours is out. Regular work hours are also probably out for many people. Instead, trust your team and give them the freedom and flexibility to get work done on the schedule that helps them be the most productive. That is good for your team in the long run anyway.
Besides if you do have any questions give me a call: https://clarity.fm/joy-brotonath
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