MenuHow can I best advertise my book on pain relief?
I have written a book detailing how people with lower back pain can potentially get pain relief (not a cure), but I believe advertising standards would prevent me from selling anything that offers "pain relief". How do I workaround this?
I think the problem is not in pain relief but in using the words healing if you don't have data. Relief is measureable yes, but its also very subjective to the person. Take in consideration Chiropractors (citychiropractor.com) or Magnetic Physiotherapists (magneticphysiotherapy.com) - these services provide relief and maybe some healing but theres always debate on the validity of it all.
If youre trying to sell a book, your problem wouldn't be FCC, it would be marketing it.
My name is Humberto, I'm the founder of www.unthink.me and evangelist of a 100 Software Engineer team called BetaBulls. I have brought products to Shark Tank, and helped some quirky products get to market as well as helped countless startups. I hope my answer provided at least minimum clarity to you. Happy trails and best of luck!
Happy New Year (2020) !
Do Feel (Perfectly) Free to Contact Me ; for a (Legally-Compliant) Healthcare Publishing Plan.
Sincerely ,
Professor Obi
Hi, you are correct about advertising standards esp. around health claims. I have been through this before and tried to find work around etc. but found getting a lawyer that specialised in FTC standards before launch was the best way forward. This is a good explanation: https://www.ftc.gov/sites/default/files/attachments/training-materials/substantiation.pdf
Email me and I can give you the name of someone I used.
Perhaps you can flip it and market it as a book that helps people live with joy and physical comfort. Instead of focusing on the negative and treatment aspect, focus on the upside of how to live well and with pleasure.
To advertise your book, you can take the following steps.
1. Guest blog posts.
2. Make Your Own Podcast and Podiobooks.
3. Create a YouTube Channel.
4. Join reader groups on Facebook (and elsewhere)
5. Go on a Local Book Tour.
6. Promoted Posts on Facebook.
7. Use Your Mailing List.
8. Use Instafreebie.
You can read more here: https://www.draft2digital.com/blog/10-low-or-no-budget-ways-to-promote-your-book/
Besides if you do have any questions give me a call: https://clarity.fm/joy-brotonath
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Source: I founded www.buyads.com and www.isocket.com, which powers the direct ad sales for the web's best sites (like TechCrunch, AOL, Microsoft, etc) We hand invited the publishers that join our market because, as your question suggests, there is some threshold between who should and should not try direct sales. There are no hard rules, just guidelines. The superseding one is this: Do you have inventory (audience) an advertiser would take the time to specifically work with you for? If you open a "store" and starting selling this stuff, do people want to buy it? One measure is traffic, but that's not enough. In general we like to look for sites with 100,000 page views a month or more. But it can depend on the content and vertical. For example, we power a website that gets 25k hits a month but is the only site covering the voice over talent industry in Hollywood - so its super nichey and there is a market for those advertisers. Other examples of small but successful premium properties include some hyperlocal ones (www.queensmamas.com, www.brooklynheightsblog.com, www.brokelyn.com, etc), the largest blog for truckers, largest blog for prison wardens, etc. The conflicting examples are sites with large traffic but bad audiences/verticals. We reject a lot of "tech blog" also-rans that just copy and paste content from TechCrunch but get a lot of SEO traffic from it. Or even if it's a legit site, it can be in a bad brand-advertiser vertical like home finance / mortgages (which is mostly lead gen advertisers)JR
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(Background: I founded the largest marketplace for direct ad sales. Powers sites like Microsoft, Aol, Gawker, etc) If you want to sell ads directly to advertisers... that's awesome, but recognize it takes more work than just dropping AdSense on your site. I'm glad you're thinking of it like "how can I attract advertisers (customers) to do business with me?" I personally don't think gimmicks work well in the long run. It's all about the fundamentals. You are essentially a business (the website) that sells a product (the ad space / ability to reach your audience) to customers (the advertisers). All the normal fundamentals apply - you have to attract potential customers, sell them on your product, close the business, get repeat business, etc. So while a gimmick may work to get someones attention, if their experience of doing business with you is terrible they won't buy or won't come back. We believe the best way to attract, close and keep advertisers is to make your "products" as easy to find and purchase as possible. In the direct ad space, it is way too complicated - often requiring lots of emails and manual effort. Plus they have to find you to begin with. Some actionable stuff for you to do: * Do some customer validation. If you want to sell a product (the ad space), how do you know there is a market? Have you talked to potential advertisers about this? Do you have any pre-committed deals? Do your similar competitors do direct sales successfully? * Have a .com/advertise page and promote it well. You have to let people know you're open for business. Make it easy for people to find it. * Have a system that makes it easy to place/execute/manage actual ad orders. This is what we do at www.isocket.com. There are other tools for various needs, website sizes, costs, etc.JR
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I hate to be "that guy," but I'm gonna say, "it depends." What I mean by this is it is highly subjective to the market you are in and the target you're going after. However, with that being said, let me share a few of my favorite growth-hacky-type ideas that you might want to consider using to grow your customer base: #1 - Produce a TON of content. Make it valuable, and don't cut corners. Then, promote it to your existing tribes. If you don't already have a tribe, see the bullet #2. #2 - Build a tribe. Get started at a place like triberr.com where you can connect your social profiles and your blog and share with likeminded folks. It takes time to get going, but you'll thank me for it later. #3 - Test every aspect of your landing pages. Use something like Unbounce (my favorite) to strip down every element of your pages and split test constantly. Get used to the fact that your landing pages are NEVER complete. They can always be improved. #4 - Build an email list from your blog traffic by using "content upgrades" or "lead magnets." Search Google for the specifics, but basically, you create free content that is related to each post on your blog that the reader can download in return for subscribing to your newsletter. It works like a charm! Let me know if you want me to go into further detail on any of this stuff.NS
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