MenuI’m sitting with a great opportunity to deliver a digital solution for one of our clients. How do I pull it all together right now?
Central CRM in the cloud that everyone has access to. Infusionsoft might be a good solution. Obviously you need email follow up series integration and sales funnel automation.
Clearly, this is a job for Customer Relationship Management software (CRM). So the problem becomes selecting the best one. Unfortunately, this is no small task!
If you are new to CRM, Wikipedia has an excellent primer:
There is a company in Toronto called Dashboard that specializes in CRM and Marketing Automation for the Automotive industry:
I can introduce you to the owner if you like.
Good luck!
The scope really needs to be more defined. The website alone for 50+ dealerships is a major undertaking. There are so many questions that need to be asked and answered before you even start proposing solutions...
I have an agency friend who worked on developing a new website for an auto delearship, the budget was in the Millions of dollars.
This is a perfect example of the same problem a client I have is facing but not at such a large scale. The implementation of a CRM or ERP system would be a shoe in for this.
This is a massive project especially if you are thinking of localizing each dealership. To do a proper job you are going to need resources. In my opinion you first need to get each dealership registered as a local business. As you probably know that will require you to have google send out a local business pin to each dealership. I have two clients that required this type of setup. Happy to help as needed.
This is indeed a massive project. I am sure it will have to be integrated into an existing system or at least provide ways to share data. You've got to assemble a great dev team and use some agile techniques to manage changes as they will come.
I'd say break it down in modules and aim to release 1 module every 1-2 months so the client sees progress and starts benefiting from the platform as soon as possible.
One digital marketing approach is: Social media marketing platform with below capabilities:
1. Generating leads based on Intent analysis (such as queries, mentions, wishlist monitoring ) in (near) real-time
2. Monitor the conversion rate across different channels and prioritize presence on the relevant channels, cutting down on others
3. Combine your Logistics (GIS) with the sales leads to drive sales to the nearest / best-rated dealer
4. Rank the Dealers based on user feedback analysis, inventory capability, maintenance IRT and tie it with the premium / commission
5. Implement AB testing methods to get the pulse of your audience on which channel they are likely to receive and which methods or promotion (gift coupons, promotional offers ..) are more effective
6. Predict the sale-leads, conversion and turn-around time for orders based on historical trends for each dealer and cross-correlate it with the CSAT ratings to optimize the process cycle times and cut down costs
7. Keep the customers engaged with your social presence and continuous stream of information about what they can expect from even beyond post-order completion.
8. Profile the customers to identify the classes (e.g. regular vs luxury vehicle owners) and build recommendation engines that increase personalized value-add to each
9.Identify the capability gaps in the coverage for dealers and provide means for new dealers to take part in the business or have the existing dealers extend their services
Based on the scope and commitment more functionality can be added. These along with more have been successfully implemented in Retail sector. Let me know if this interests you, would be happy to share more details.
Management & Strategy Consultant - Big Data, AI
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The best way to work around something like this is to map out the long-term strategy in phases. Build out a brief project map that outlines what they will receive within the 1-3 month period, the 4-7 month and the 8-12 month period. Set micro objectives for each period and this will give the client a bit more confidence in the short-term plans as well as the long. The key thing to remember here is that the client will often be worried about being tied into a contract that doesn't deliver results. As a result, you need to show why you need the time that you do. One thing that I often throw in is an extra incentive for longer contract lengths - for example, an extra PR/content campaign or some paid advertising extras. Try to assure them of some shorter term results that you can obtain as 'quick wins' and build their confidence this way - the major targets will always be longer term but if you can demonstrate that there will be progress between then they will be a lot more receptive.MH
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I know of a marketing executive at an online university. I will ask him your question and let you know what I find out. Cheers, FrankFF
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