MenuHow would you sell a governance and compliance solution? Our solution helps with improving governance during the change management process?
How do we make it compelling?
How do we turn the situation so that customers come to look for us?
Whom should we start with? CIO/CFO/Business application Owner
How can we involve the auditors quickly to make it a pressing situation? (since ours is transactional product) Average deal size is 20-30K.
Hi there!
In my experience, governance is often considered a function of a legal department, so approaching a VP Legal, or an Ombudsman/Business Compliance Manager may be of value. They'd warm to a risk-reduction positioning, with the compelling factor of avoiding legal issues, government fines, etc.
Change Management; however, is likely driven by the functional groups, so their specific leadership (Supply Chain VP, Finance VP, etc) would be the place to start. They'd likely warm to an efficiency, cost-savings, employee productivity positioning, with the compelling factor being them getting their change in place and reaping the benefits ASAP.
I would recommend approaching the groups (functional v. legal) one at a time, starting with whichever your company feels the strongest affinity towards and positioning for. If that doesn't click, you can try the second avenue.
(I'm not quite sure what you meant by involving auditors - but would be happy to explore your question further!)
Hi, this is definitely in my wheel house. I sell to schools and school districts with a lot of red tape. We need to get their buy in and learn about their processes so we can offer the complete solution. Often times there are multiple layers that are involved in making the decision and asking questions around that will help confirm your assumptions.
There are a variety of ways to go about this and you could start with auditors who are directly impacted by your solution and gain their trust by asking them questions about their current processes. When you know what their problems are you can show them your solution with your product. The goal here is to really understand how the business operates so when you get a chance to meet with the ultimate decision maker such as a CIO/CFO/Business Owner, you can effectively and efficiency present your solutions totally tailored to their specific business, speaking their language which results in a compelling reason to do business with you. Win!
I like to empower the person I am meeting with to get me another meeting with the decision maker by using what I call a deal one-pager which is basically an executive summary the person I met with can pass on to the decision maker to then meet with me to discuss what I found when I met with the employee.
Let me know if you would like to see a copy of this or would like help with what I wrote above.
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Each believes they understand what the other means and intends...but the truth is totally different. When a prospect says, "Leave it with me and I'll get back to you," at the end of your meeting, what does that tell you? Me, it tells me NOTHING! Except that I'm being "niced out" of the door. These are times to be a little assertive: "I appreciate that. How long do you think it'll take for you to have a look at it? When should we book a talk to discuss your decision or any questions you have?" Don't leave it to chance. In fact, your sales process ought to have you laying out this as part of the ground rules right up front: "Ms. Prospect, we'll meet for about 40 minutes, that's typically what these conversations are, and I'm sure you'll have some questions for me. I'll definitely have some questions for you, because I want to find out more about your operation and determine whether we're really a good fit for you. At the end of that time, we'll know whether we're a potential fit or not. If not, no big deal. No one will get mad at anybody. If we are a fit, we'll figure out what that next step looks like then. Make sense?" And if the prospect wants to add anything into the agenda, they can. Most salespeople never even lay out these simple ground rules. A consistent sales process is a series of steps. At the end of every step, either it's over or it continues. If it's over, you know why: it's not a fit for a specific reason (no need, the problem's not big enough for you to get involved, or the prospect has uncontrollable anger issues, for example). Over is not a bad thing; it keeps you out of trouble and away from The Client From Hell. If you goof up--and I certainly do from time to time, even though I work with this stuff every day; it happens fast and there's a lot to keep in mind--and you must write an email, you must get the train back on the rails. Let it read like this: Mr. Prospect, I appreciate you meeting with me on (date) about (topic). 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If you are ready to go ahead now that I've brought this project back on your radar, please call me at ### so I can get things started ASAP...or reply with '3' to this email, and I'll know to call you so we can begin. Thanks again, YOUR NAME ** This message doesn't chase. It gets things back on track. If your prospect ignores it and you don't get an answer, you can safely assume it's '1' and stop trying to "follow up". In sales, "Yes" is good, "No" is good, but "I need to think it over"--making you have to "follow up"--is torture.JK
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