Renee's answer is spot on. Trying to guest blog on places that already have traffic will help. Often times you can link back to other blog posts/content you've created if relevant to the article.
The biggest tip is to see content as a framework for many types of deliverables. For example, recently we created an ebook called "Don't Leak Leads: How To Identify Leaks & Get More Customers".
This content became a series of blog posts, a successful webinar series, multiple infographics, slideshare presentations, and videos. Because we focus so much on education, we also created Again all of this was repackaging and rethinking a content framework around how to get more leads.
From a channel perspective, this gave us content across FB, Twitter, LinkedIn, Slideshare, YouTube, and Pinterest and for social media ads, updates, and even pinterest.
Then leveraging a content calendar you can plan when all this happens. Our entire goal is to get someone to fill out a lead form that enters folks into a 21 email behaviorally driven lead nurturing program.
I recommend reading Content Marketing Institute and
Best of luck!