Sr. HR Business Partner for Software & Manufacturing (Start-Up to 8,000 plus employees)
I have extensive experience in the software industry as a HR Business Partner and as a Compensation Manager. Experience in 24/7 manufacturing, but additionally corporate manufacturing as well.
I will help you manage through labor/employee budgeting for current and future business needs while taking into consideration your current challenges to recruit, develop, and retain your top talent
I will provide strong expertise on how to choose the top candidate for your company/culture/position. Using strong industry experience in multiple areas top talent from entry level to the C-Suite.
I will build a comprehensive succession plan for your organization setting you up for future success while limiting downtime, potential attrition, and growing your top talent
I will coach you to lead your organization to it's highest potential taking into consideration all pertinent variables. I will empower you as a leader to lead through strong influence vs. control