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MenuThere is no one right answer, truth be told different investors are going to be looking for different things. There is one key thing i noticed you said though and that is attract. Using the word attract means VC's would be approaching you versus you pitching them. If you want to attract attention you have two options.
1. Get in someone's eco-system, haven something they need, want or love; then you can attract attention. 2. Be outside there eco-system and be some wonderful they search for something like you.
Again, they are two very different opposing views. If you want to attract attention, it comes down to how well are you selling yourself. If you want a certain valuation, it comes down to how well you sell the idea, backed with unemotional market research (What's your business model? How do you see future growth? What's your risk? Where are you to date? What do you need this money for? How will this money accelerate your growth? How will you return my money?)
Reach out to me for more clarity on the subject, I would love to help you.
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