MenuHow to get more monetized YouTube views?
I run a YouTube channel about space and astronomy. I am getting good view count, but less monetized views. Is there any way I can increase these monetized views?
Yes, you need to sell something that earns you money beyond the YouTube advertising. I've had a channel for years and sell books, courses, Clarity calls and consulting.
YouTube is a great platform for selling yourself and your expertise but as more people come on board, the revenues from advertising falls.
Arrange a call if you'd like to brainstorm some ideas.
David C Barnett
It's much better to view YouTube's Adsense as just the cherry on the cake. Unless you're pulling in SIGNIFICANT views, it likely won't amount to very much regardless, and even then, not as much as you could get from other areas. Sponsorship of your videos can bring in many times more income than what YouTube's monetization offers, so finding brands that want to partner with you and/or starting a Patreon where viewers can donate in exchange for perks, can be great ways to bring in a lot more money than Adsense will. Beyond that of course is having your own products/services to offer which you can promote through anything from encouraging sign ups to your email newsletter to just mentioning right in the video when appropriate. Feel free to schedule a call to discuss the different ways I've monetized my YouTube channel and go over ideas more specific to your situation!
Yes and No - I have run a couple of youtube channels for the last 5 years - FULL TIME - and i can tell you no matter what you do your ad revenue will continue to fall - If you are relying on youtube advertising and your sole income you might be in some trouble - I was in a similiar situation to yourself - the main problem is your content does not appeal to major advertisers - this requires you to get thousands of views for a few dollars - there are multiple ways to monitize and to use your traffic - i would be able to help you out with all of this - just be careful - if youtube in your income just imagine one day you log into your youtube account and all your content has been removed - will you be ok?
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How can I monetize my You Tube videos effectively outside of the website's own monetization?
Congrats on your steady growth on Twitter and YouTube - that's definitely a good sign that you're on the right track! Sponsorship, brand integration, product placement, reviews, and endorsements are all good ways to make more income with your YouTube videos. Sponsorship would be like a regular, ongoing company that is mentioned at the start and/or end as helping make the video/show possible, brand integration would be making a video based around the company's product or service, product placement would be using the company's product briefly in a video, a review would be sharing your thoughts on the company's product or service, and an endorsement could just be saying at some point that you found a company with a product or service that you like and think your audience would as well. Hope that helps and otherwise if you would like more information on any of those or ways to get companies involved, please feel free to request a call with me!JR
We know videos 'should' be 1-2 mins, but our homepage video has many key msgs. At 2.50 mins we're happy with it. Is this ever acceptable?
A 2 minute explainer video is like being chained to a wheel of injustice. Seriously :) when did you manage to get through a 2 minute video without leaving or skipping? 1min to 1.5mins TOPS. Break the other deeper aspects into short form video explanations or separate the feature set out as a separate video. Homepage video: 1. Help the viewer identify with the problem 2. Ask leading questions (creates a curious mindset 3. Tell them about the solution quickly and the differentiator (now Bob can travel fro x>y 1.5 times faster and cheaper than any competitor whilst Joe, Shmo and Clet get to be drivers without a $1m medallion). 4. Summarize 5. CTA The rest you can explain in deeper pages with feature-set explainer videos(even shorter! Bite size chunks that make you want to watch more... Like eating some small tasty M&Ms)EE
Any advice / suggestions or reputable recommendations for how to videos?
Great question. I think you'll find that most video production companies are "reputable" however the bigger question is what kind of quality do you want and what is your budget? Having been a creative and video director for 20 years, I've seen budgets from $1,000 to $100,000 for videos, for widely varying types of projects. For a simple explainer you are looking in the realm of $500-$5000 depending the on quality and customization. There are places that charge more and do amazing work but those companies are typically creating work for bigger brands. Hope that helps.SM
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I remember that Adobe Media Encoder used to have options for water marking. Check that and possibly, but unlikely Apple Compressor out. Hope that helps!CM
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