I run a YouTube channel about space and astronomy. I am getting good view count, but less monetized views. Is there any way I can increase these monetized views?
It's much better to view YouTube's Adsense as just the cherry on the cake. Unless you're pulling in SIGNIFICANT views, it likely won't amount to very much regardless, and even then, not as much as you could get from other areas. Sponsorship of your videos can bring in many times more income than what YouTube's monetization offers, so finding brands that want to partner with you and/or starting a Patreon where viewers can donate in exchange for perks, can be great ways to bring in a lot more money than Adsense will. Beyond that of course is having your own products/services to offer which you can promote through anything from encouraging sign ups to your email newsletter to just mentioning right in the video when appropriate. Feel free to schedule a call to discuss the different ways I've monetized my YouTube channel and go over ideas more specific to your situation!