MenuWhat should the next steps be for our online business?
Hi! This question is somewhat similar to another one I just answered. I think it will give you good idea/insight so check it out here https://clarity.fm/questions/2565/how-can-we-easily-rank-our-youtube-videos-on-google
Also, if you have Instagram (people there are visual and there to be entertained) Facebook now a days? Not so much. There post screenshots of videos and always include something like "link to video in profile" on each post. Don't say "videos" .
Like @Humberto Valle said, there is a huge opportunity on Instagram and Facebook.
Also, there is likely a benefit to building your subscriber list to be notified when you publish. Are you notifying them? Are you giving them the option of being notified?
Email lists "die", meaning, the older they get -- and the longer between transactions -- the less effective they become. We call it "contact churn". You may add 500 per week, but the oldest are not opening your messages, not responding how you'd like, etc.
I'd love to chat and understand more of what you are doing, and discuss how using Blogs, Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, and email marketing can get you over that 50,000 hump. I don't think it would take much before we can begin looking at 100,000.
Looking forward to talking more,
Wow! First off, you're killing it! Very well done. 50k is an amazing number that you should be proud of.
My recommended next steps is to build out your platform. You've got a fan base and steady traffic of new fans. Try to think of products (digital) that your fans would love.
What problems do they have that you can solve within the realm of your expertise/niche?
I highly recommend you take some time and listen to the podcast Smart Passive Income with Pat Flynn. If you don't come away with some ideas, you're headphones are broke. :)
I also recommend you look into the eBook/Kindle publishing space. You can easily combine multiple blog posts into small books which provide value to your clients. Check out http://kindlepreneur.com/ for top notch coaching to blow up your niche.
Once you have digital products, you can look into setting up drip email campaigns and direct response marketing. That's what I do for my clients at massivemedia.biz
And, if you're still hungry for inspiration, check out Side Hustle Nation to listen to folks who've rocked their niches.
Keep up the good work. You've got something to build on for sure.
Continue with what you are doing. Everything takes time! I would suggest finding something that can help push your business such as write a book, host a free session, etc.
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