I want to register trade mark name in our country. We found the same name is registered in Japan only (not in our country). I think we can register the trade mark name in our country. This is because we will use the trade mark name to name specific technology and a specific class. In Japan, the same trade mark name is registered in a different class and used for a product name. What are disadvantages of using same name?
Complex question. Many factors come into play.
Best solution, use a different brand name. If you're working in a very different industry, likely this won't ever bite you.
That said, I'd suggest you get Legal Shield coverage in your jurisdiction of domicile (where you file your taxes).
They're a legal COOP based in Ada Oklahoma + are available now in many countries.
Here's a real example of how this works.
The last time I was sued (in the US), I paid my $26/month (likely more expensive now) + the person suing me had legal fees of $42,000 for the first month of the suit.
I then called up the person suing me + told them next month, their legal fees would double + I'd keep doubling it every month, they the lost every dime they'd ever made or ever would make.
Since your Legal Shield attorney is working for you, your attorney will know how to wreck havoc on anyone suing you, so likely anyone suing you will go bankrupt as a result.
Summary: You never know when you'll be sued, so get Legal Shield coverage... so... like me... every time you get lawsuit paperwork in the mail, you have to sit down because you're laughing so hard.