MenuWhich products for ecommerce works better?
I have my own company in colombia but is not ecommerce i want to change my vision an expand to new markets.
This is my kind of question!
First off, let me tell you that you have a very well built website and the content and context is very good (I speak Spanish)
My name is Humberto Valle, MBA Competitive Strategist - I'm an experienced web developer, programmer, and inbound growth strategist and have been helping small businesses generate more sales online for the past 8 years with the help of my team at www.Unthink.me. I have created many e-commerce website for many different product ranging from cosmetics to services, to crotchless shorts.
It looks like right now you use your website to generate interest and drive traffic to the stores in person and there is nothing wrong with that. Your SEO is really good which means you are probably doing a good job in driving traffic in person. - there are still some issues with the overall SEO but you have done an amazing job. Your product like any other can be sold online through an e-commerce model but if you are looking to sell internationally you may be limited to the items that you can sell to individuals. You may be limited to accessories and parts only but have no limit on local markets there in Colombia.
You mentioned wanting to change your vision to what exactly?
If you need help increasing the SEO so that more people find you, and creating the right funnels to increase your sales or helping you incorporate e-commerce solutions please don't hesitate to contact me.
The best way to answer this question is by looking into what your current market needs. Find a product to solve their challenges.
Stepping into ecom can be difficult but it is very doable. I personally have 3 startups that run strictly off of ecom and would love to help you with finding trends and bringing your products to the ecommerce world! Thanks and have a great day!
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