MenuWhat is the correlation between launching a startup and having health problems? Do you have to sacrifice your health to succeed?
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No reason whatsoever. Sacrificing all of your time (consequently trading that in for your health) is a very dangerous and unsustainable approach. I've seen many entrepreneurs burn out quickly because of this.
When I'm coaching other entrepreneurs, I always encourage putting yourself first (food, exercise, leisure) to be at your 110% for your startup and family.
Yes. I00% correlation. If you really want to succeed in a big way, then I recommend simultaneously contracting HIV, Ebola, and the black plague. Get started chain smoking as well!
Replace "launching a startup" with any other variable and the answer will be the same.
What does it profit you to successfully launch a startup and not be able to enjoy the "spoils of war" or, worse, to have to spend your spoils on medical bills? Similar to the check engine and other lights that come on in a vehicle, health problems are the warning signs that a part of the body is malfunctioning. To ignore those signs and keep driving (regardless of where you are in the startup process) is to put yourself, passengers and other drivers at risk. Follow the owner's manual and go in for service as prescribed, i.e., get the appropriate rest and relaxation, eat well, exercise, etc.
If life expectancy averages remain the same, your body has to last well past your startup into your 70s and 80s. When you burn out early, you short-circuit the agility needed for your later years. It doesn't help that metabolism decreases as you get older so if you don't make time for exercise, good eating and rest now, your body will ignore you later ...
The work-related health problems we see today tend to be linked to stress, sitting at a desk all day, working late hours, not taking the time to eat healthily and exercise regularly, not taking proper time off at all. These factors can be just as prevalent in an office job as in a startup environment.
Personally, I used to get migraines in my corporate job. I thought naively that creating more of an independent and flexible lifestyle would automatically make me more healthy and relaxed. As it turns out, I'm the same self-motivated and ambitious person I was before, and I'm working harder than ever! Now I have a different kind of stress today, and I'm enjoying every minute... but I'm afraid I still get migraines from time to time! Health is a factor of your genetics along with your lifestyle choices.
The whole concept of work-life balance is an artificial dichotomy and it's more a question of an overall sense of balance across the different aspects of life that are important to you and your wellbeing. In my case, this means keeping myself challenged and fulfilled; earning enough money; spending time alone and with friends and family; eating well and staying fit; learning new skills and having new experiences; travelling; having fun; and so on.
When it comes to the question of what it takes to succeed, the key is first to define what “succeeding” means to you. What are the goals that you want to achieve? And, most importantly, why? Real success comes from setting meaningful goals. One of my favourite quotes is this:
“It doesn’t really matter how fast you’re going if you’re heading in the wrong direction.” - Stephen Covey, author of the classic, The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People
So even if you’re achieving those goals, you’re ticking them off at an impressive pace, what is the point if you don’t actually care about the result? Or, worse, if the result is detrimental to you in some way, including perhaps your health?
Having the right goals in place is fundamental to successfully achieving them and for that achievement to really contribute to your happiness and life satisfaction. So I encourage you to define what that 'ideal' balance is for you, and what 'success' means.
Let me know if you want to chat further about your specific situation and your goals!
Your health does not need to suffer as a result of launching a start up. The correlation is a very good question to ask and it often is our bodies response to something being "not right." Those that have an intimate relationship with their bodies, often are the most successful in other areas of their life. Our bodies talk to us in the form of "dis-ease." Successful business leaders and champions know this, and have a daily practice that feeds their ultimate health. My clients experience success when the invest first in themselves and a disciplined daily practice that includes support. To your health and wealth!
Sacrificing one's health to launch a startup, or to launch anything for that matter is a choice. Unless it's not a choice because one feels powerless in terms of their capacity to prioritize what they value.
If a person values health, they'll find a way to preserve their health while they launch the startup.
On the other hand if health is not something that one values, then sacrificing health is not a concern...sadly this is the case for many entrepreneurs as my experience with clients has shown me.
I'm a proponent of not just preserving, but using health to leverage one's capacity to launch a thriving business.
The two are not mutually exclusive but in fact one can fuel the other as experience has taught me.
Hope this helps,
Consciously if one smart entrepreneur defines delegation or responsibilities metrics then not all the stress and todo fall as his / her pie. At times you feel like doing it all by yourself to stay on top of competition however you can define what's timely to beat market and focus on that one, rest you can delegate. Balance the health by bringing companion in healthyhealthy living lifestyle. One can be your pet or friend or spouse. Take their help in setting up a routine. It will help not to lose health over your startup aspirations. Good luck.
Balance: I've been involved in a few start-ups, a health insurance company and a telemedicine company to name a couple. Both were exciting and interesting products, but also created a bit of anxiety for me. As a result, I realized the importance of maintaining not just my physical health but also my emotional health. I found exercise to be the best way to address my anxiety by literally burning it off which in turn improved my physical health. Enrolling in a structured program at a fitness facility and working with a personal trainer turned out to be the most efficient use of my time and paid off the most. In the end, I think launching a start-up can actually improve your health if you turn some of the adversities you may face, such as anxiety, into an opportunity to exercise and seek out health.
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