MenuYoutube, Vimeo or Wistia , which one is a better option for Launch Page?
AFAIK Wistia comes with some great features but I am also concerned on missing out on the Youtube/Vimeo view count (if it means anything).
I highly recommend YouTube. You can configure the embed video to hide the YouTube watermark, autoplay, hide the controls, and hide all related videos (that show up after the video is done playing). This will make your video look amazing on your launch page.
Here is a link on how to configure the YouTube embed code parameters - https://developers.google.com/youtube/player_parameters
If you do your keyword research and optimize the Title, Description, and Tags when uploading to YouTube you can take advantage of more search traffic from Google and YouTube.
What is your goal with this video? Do you want it to live on your lauch page only? Or do you want it to get noticed in other places on the web as well? Do you want the video to get shared around social media, for example? Or embedded into other people's websites?
First ask yourself: Does my video even work without the context of my launch page?
If it does why not go with YouTube. If you set up your video correctly you'll be rewarded with a decent Google ranking as well as with lots of YouTube's search traffic. After all YouTube is the second largest search engine.
You'll also benefit from YouTube's related video algorithm which can bring in a decent amount of traffic.
And you can profit from YouTube's sharing functionalities. Over the years people have simply learned how to share a YouTube video. It's natural.
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I would recommend that you check out http://wistia.com/ - I use them for all my videos. Public and privately.TM
Launched my first startup yesterday and didn't get as much momentum as expected. What is one area of marketing would you focus on?
Good luck! Forget about SEO. This is just a temporary improvement. Not worth your effort right now specially if you have to pay. If is free, take it as long as it doesn't distract you with "useless busy" work. Focus on the emails. This has huge upside potential!! A video is a powerful tool that automatically enables you to connect with those who share your interests and can make people find you simply because they like you. This also reassures them that you haven't forgotten about them, that you are doing what you can but also need the communities help. Share this on all your social networks. Leverage the power and newly harnessed interest of Periscope or Meerkat of both and announce(schedule) through Twitter a video pitch of what you trying to do. This will get you potential viral spread if you ask your viewers to use a hashtag or to simply tweet your live streaming. If you have backers you're doing something right, you just have to now drive traffic to the campaign. Not really work on the pitch itself... Now you're in the numbers business... :) Humberto Valle Best of luck.HV
How can I monetize my You Tube videos effectively outside of the website's own monetization?
Congrats on your steady growth on Twitter and YouTube - that's definitely a good sign that you're on the right track! Sponsorship, brand integration, product placement, reviews, and endorsements are all good ways to make more income with your YouTube videos. Sponsorship would be like a regular, ongoing company that is mentioned at the start and/or end as helping make the video/show possible, brand integration would be making a video based around the company's product or service, product placement would be using the company's product briefly in a video, a review would be sharing your thoughts on the company's product or service, and an endorsement could just be saying at some point that you found a company with a product or service that you like and think your audience would as well. Hope that helps and otherwise if you would like more information on any of those or ways to get companies involved, please feel free to request a call with me!JR
Is it a good time to launch a (crowdfunding) product before/during/after the December holidays when every company is competing for buyer's attention?
In the past 4 years of marketing successful crowdfunding campaigns on both Kickstarter and Indiegogo, we've consistently seen drops in consumer traffic to these sites during the holiday months, as potential backers are purchasing products for the holidays that they can gift, not necessarily backing projects/products that will ship next year.RM
Does a high quality explainer video generate higher customer conversions than a low quality explainer video?
If your talking about the pixel quality it depends on your brand. The content of the video is far more important. You should take into account on a broader level whether an explain-er video will increase conversions verse a text based explanation due to trade offs. Video: Visual elements help with user experience and also increase transparency with brand. The con is that search engines can't read video's and only the video description will be recognizable. (A work around is having a transcript of the video which may take away from the user experience). Also video's decrease your websites page speed. Text: This will allow people and search engines to read your content. May decrease visitors engagement and increase bounce rate. Solution: I have been in a position where we did an A/B text on having a video verse image to explain the concept. Turns out both performed nearly identical. We choose the image because videos hurt page speed. Page speed is a part of Google's algorithm for search engine results. Consider creating a landing page with bullet points around customers pain points (not your product/service benefits) with a CTA that takes them to your video or offer. With an explain-er video I'm guessing your offering an unique product or service.KP
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