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Hani Mourra Creator of Automation + Listing Building Software

Toronto, Ontario
Creator of #Repurpose.io, SimplePodcastPress, #SimpleSocialPress, and #SimpleVideoPress Content Automation tools for #Podcasting #FacebookLive and #YouTube. Experienced in creating software and marketing them online. Learn more about me at…
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  • Reviews 6
  • Answers 3

Hani was a great listener and offered me key advice (first steps) I might have otherwise overlooked. I'm thrilled and now moving to the next stage of my project with confidence.

Source: Clarity Mike Inglis Feb 23, 2015

We received fantastic recommendations from Hani in a very short time.

Source: Clarity Rommel Paras Jul 16, 2014

3 Reasons to Hire Hani to do your video work:

-1- Creative as all get-out. I LOVE how he takes my thoughts and puts them on the screen! Outstanding.

-2- Friendly. You cannot help but love working with this guy once you talk to him for more than three seconds.

-3- Amazing value. One of the best quality/cost producers on the web. his team is outstanding.

If you want to check out the video he put together for me? Send me a private message. Happy to help Hani ANY WAY I can!

-Mike Monroe

Source: LinkedIn Mike Monroe Sep 25, 2013

Hani is one of those rare people that grasps both video production and video marketing. We were struggling with a video file conversion issue recently and had asked all of our supposed local video consultants. Hani stopped what he was doing, gave us not one but two solutions to our problem (both worked). I think he is our first stop with video solutions not our last next time. Check out his newsletter and other video info. He is the best!

Source: LinkedIn Chuck Robbins Sep 25, 2013

Hani is a true specialist with online video technology. He makes technology so easy to understand so that anyone can do it.

He helped me upload private training videos on Amazon S3 - and trust me, I had no clue how to go about this when I first started. He also helped me simplify the process of putting my training videos on multiple video sites so I could gain further traffic and exposure.

I highly recommend Hani for any of their online video needs.

Thank-you Hani!


Source: LinkedIn Steve Martile Sep 25, 2013
Hani Mourra, Creator of Automation + Listing Building Software answered:

I highly recommend YouTube. You can configure the embed video to hide the YouTube watermark, autoplay, hide the controls, and hide all related videos (that show up after the video is done playing). This will make your video look amazing on your launch page.

Here is a link on how to configure the YouTube embed code parameters - https://developers.google.com/youtube/player_parameters

If you do your keyword research and optimize the Title, Description, and Tags when uploading to YouTube you can take advantage of more search traffic from Google and YouTube.

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