MenuHow much time do you spend on google (or other search engine) when you are searching informations on a specific topic ?
As a tech marketer - I am always looking for the fastest, cheapest yet reliable research in order to create competitive intelligence internal documents, stats for blog posts, etc.
Some people live by the "if it isn't on the first page, it doesn't matter" when it comes to leveraging search engines as a research tool.
However, often when we are looking for value, we have to realize that anything REALLY worthwhile these days from a content perspective is typically gated behind a web form, or nestled inside a blog post.
So, expect to spend a few hours in order to get through all the form gates, and also make sure you're using as specific and direct search terms as possible - then getting more generic if results are not ideal.
Some other tips:
-Have a few "burner" email addresses setup with gmail or hotmail, etc. - these allow you to get content when filling out forms to get White Papers, Reports, Case Studies, etc. without your primary inbox getting stuffed with marketing emails.
-In the form fill process, if available put "student" or "researcher" as typically sales reps pass by these "leads" when the form gets dumped into the CRM queue.
-Don't forget specialty search sites and tools like Wolfram Alpha for more "numbers" derived searches.
-Also, like your question here - always seek the wisdom of crowds in addition to machine learning algorithms!
Hope this is helpful! Search on!
"Until I am satisfied."
The actual amount of time varies widely. If it is a topic I am only casually interested in knowing more about (the winner of season 124 of American Idol, for example), the time spent searching is pretty minimal. Whereas if I am looking to prove my point, or win random trivia, I am likely to spend more time.
If it is business related, then I spend as much time as needed to satisfy the objective. For example, if I am looking for competitors for a new venture, I know that spending many hours researching is a small investment for the knowledge gained of the industry. But I would never spend 2-4 hours searching for a trivia answer. Searching for competitive keywords may add up to hours per month, but directly coincides with a return of my investment.
What are you really trying to find out? =)
If you're researching because you're thinking about risking a lot of money, then research everything. But if you just want to know which rice cooker to buy, open the first three search results in different tabs, read what you find, and ask yourself if you have enough information. You probably do, and are just suffering from personal indecision.
For more on this idea ("just enough" information), google "satisficing." For some things, I'd rather spend 5 minutes for 80% of the information than three hours for 90% of the information.
It is difficult to calculate to the precise point of accuracy because billion Google searches are made every day. The volume of Google searches grows by roughly 10% every year. Every year, somewhere between 16% and 20% of Google searches are new—they have never been searched before.
90% of searches made on desktops are done via Google. 35% of product searches start on Google. 34% of “near me” searches done via desktop and tablets result in store visits. The average Google search session lasts just under a minute. Dating & Personal Services advertisers drive the highest CTRs on paid Google results. Just over 6% of their impressions turn into clicks! Organic Google results with 3-4 words in the title drive higher CTRs than organic results with 1-2 words in the title. Google has indexed hundreds of billions of web pages. All told, the index is about 100,000,000 GB large.
Besides if you do have any questions give me a call: https://clarity.fm/joy-brotonath
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How do you do market research?
Hi First of all, the fact that you are talking about market research ('validation') is great. I've seen so many startups invest time and money, only to find out later that no ones wants/needs their product, or that they only want a certain aspect of it (whilst the startup spent money developing a whole bunch of other features), or that they aren't willing to pay the requested price. So you're already one step ahead. Also, the sooner you validate your product, the better! The best ways to validate your idea is to see whether people are willing to actually pay for your product/service. The best way to get investors, is to show (1) that you are solving a need, (2) that you have traction, and (3) that the investors will get a nice return on their investment. As for methods of validation, here are the most efficient methods. 1. Check that people will actually buy/pay for the product. You can do this by setting up a Wix or Wordpress website (this can be done for free / very low costs). If your venture is a mobile app, then you can create what’s called a Clickable Prototype (“CP”) (a visual of the app in which the images change when you click on something - you can do so using the Apple Keynote tool or Microsoft PowerPoint). On the website, include the price of the product/service, and enable people to order it (YES, even if it doesn't really exist yet!). I am happy to explain how this can be done whilst still being fair to your potential customers (the people who click the "buy/download” button). 2. Determine your target market/customers. 3. Spend a small amount (say $100 - depending on your budget) on the most relevant platforms and promote your product/service - linking to the website that you created. This way, after only spending a very small amount, you will be able to know (if you did it right): a. Do people like your product. b. Do people want/need your product (not the same as 'a'). c. Are people willing to pay for your product? (not the same as 'b' - and this being the most important stage) d. How much they are willing to pay. (you can check this by having 2-3 landing pages with different prices on each). 2 last important points: a) In order to rule out external factors like an unattractive landing page or advertising campaign, and assuming you have the time, create multiple landing pages / advertising campaigns, with different designs. b) During the above process, don't forget to check how much it costs you for each user/customer that clicks the "buy" button. If for example each click on your promotion/advertisement costs you $2, and only every 10 people who click go on to the "buy" page - that means each sale is costing you $20. Then check what your average profit per sale is, and then you'll know if your service/product is worth pursuing (obviously there are additional factors like return customers, referrals etc, but you will get a good estimated/validation of the idea/business). Regarding questionnaires and talking with people, these methods are also very good, but it is crucial that you implement them correctly, otherwise your results might be misleading. I’ve successfully helped over 300 entrepreneurs and I’d be happy to help you. Doing validation correctly can save you a lot of time and money. Before the call, and in order to make the best of your time, please send me more information about your product/service and your target market. Best of luck!AB
Is there a way to use paid advertising to test a domain name?
Yes. Use the "Link Text" in your facebook ads to A/B test various domain names. To do this, simply launch a few identical ads, and only change the link text to say the variation of the domain name you are considering. The ad with the highest CTR (not conversion rate or other KPI) will be the one that sparks the most interest in your target audience. Note: one domain may have a high relevance to one audience, but low relevance with another. So this tactic should only be used if you have a very specific demo you are targeting.AG
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Even if your competitor continuously capitalizes on your ideas, by imitating your product features, etc., and even if he grows exponentially faster than you, it shouldn't intimidate you. Similar product, less money, whatever else, doesn't matter. Get awesomely creative with your marketing. Focus on the user experience and forget the competition. That's one thing no competitor can ever take away from you. And, the only thing you've got to mediate risk. I'd love to share more with you over a 15 minute call. I can guide you through getting a better understanding of your customers, and developing an awesome user experience, by moving beyond conventional marketing. Looking forward to it. AdrianAC
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