Vanessa Mouledous Turn the brand into the business growth engine!
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Brand-based Business Growth Strategist and Chief Brand Officer to global listed companies, government & startups. Tech Startups Mentor, Advisor & Accelerator Program Facilitator. La French Tech Malaysia Board member. International professional.
Brand & Business Strategy | Brand Experience | Brand Management | Brand Operationalization | Brand Design I Visual Identity
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Brand Strategy
Graphic Design
Business Strategy
Brand development
Brand Management
Corporate Branding
Branding & Identity
Business Growth
Member since June 2023
Areas of Expertise
VM$5/min per minuteNew ArrivalBrandingVanessa Mouledous • Kuala Lumpur, MalaysiaCreated 2 years ago in Business / BrandingFOR BRAND MANAGERS: With tenures in agency-, client- and mentor- side, I am a 360-degree brand expert appreciating the brand from a business growth perspective: I can help you define the brand positioning and foundations, translate them into the brand design, align the business behaviors to it by operationalizing the brand down to the processes and KPIs and grow the brand to transform it into the business growth engine and most valuable intangible asset. Last, I can help brand managers in their daily challenges.Vanessa Mouledous Kuala Lumpur, MalaysiaNew Arrival
VM$5/min per minuteNew ArrivalBusiness GrowthVanessa Mouledous • Kuala Lumpur, MalaysiaCreated 2 years ago in Business / StrategyFOR ENTREPRENEURS With tenures in agency-, client- and mentor- side, I am a 360-degree brand expert appreciating the brand from an experience, a business growth and a financial perspective. I can educate you on the untapped power of your brand as your business growth engine and your most valuable intangible asset. And show you the roadmap to transform your organization into a brand-centric organization delivering an exceptional brand experience always and everywhere, creating competitive advantage, customer loyalty, resistance to market turmoil and business sustainability over time.Vanessa Mouledous Kuala Lumpur, MalaysiaNew Arrival
VM$5/min per minuteNew ArrivalVisual Identity Systems & NamingVanessa Mouledous • Kuala Lumpur, MalaysiaCreated 2 years ago in Business / BrandingFOR DESIGNERS and BRAND MANAGERS As a brand expert with many years of collaboration with designers and creatives of all kinds, in agency and in-house, I can help you with visual identity systems and guidelines: creating systems; writing guidelines; reviewing mock ups and collaterals to make them on-brand and efficient from a design point of view. I can also help you with naming your business as I have done quite a few naming workshops from ideation to legal IP for clients and myself. I can also accompany you in selecting the right design agencies and freelancers in terms of relevancy for your projects, quote, assessment and managing the relationship with them to keep project time and money on track and get the most relevant outcome.Vanessa Mouledous Kuala Lumpur, MalaysiaNew Arrival
VM$5/min per minuteNew ArrivalMarketing and Communication MessagesVanessa Mouledous • Kuala Lumpur, MalaysiaCreated 2 years ago in Sales & Marketing / CopywritingFOR MARKETING and COMMUNICATIONS PROFESSIONALS As a brand expert, I strategize brands and provide frameworks to an organisation's functions for them to align their work to the brand, aka to the long term vision set for the business. Marketers and Communicators: you are the front-facing function to push that vision to the market. Your role is instrumental in shaping the perception of a business. Your role is to push the key brand messages to the market. Were you provided a House of Messages by your Brand, Marketing or Communications Manager? Very unlikely. And yet, it is crucial: you can't do your work, create campaigns and write the right copy if you don't know which key messages you should push out there that will feed into the brand, that will have an impact on shaping the desired perception. This is what I can help you with: I can help you create a House of Messages, the framework some enlightened brand strategists like me provide to the Marketing and Communication functions. How will that change your daily life at work? With a House of Messages, you will no longer search for ideas for your content: you will know which key message to push to the market and build your campaigns, content, ideas around them. Your production will become really efficient, supporting the growth of the brand and the business.Vanessa Mouledous Kuala Lumpur, MalaysiaNew Arrival
VM$5/min per minuteNew ArrivalCreate an Employer BrandVanessa Mouledous • Kuala Lumpur, MalaysiaCreated 2 years ago in Business / BrandingFOR HR PROFESSIONALS and BRAND MANAGERS As a 360-degree brand expert, with in-house tenures and now advising and mentoring tech startups on the growth of their brand and business, I can help you create an employer brand, from defining the brand strategy to implementing it across the organisation down to the processes and KPIs. Attract and retain your talents.Vanessa Mouledous Kuala Lumpur, MalaysiaNew Arrival
Brand Strategy
Graphic Design
Business Strategy
Brand development
Brand Management
Corporate Branding
Branding & Identity
Business Growth
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