Entrepreneur ~ Founder A for Analytics & Advisor 333 Beverages, Advisor, Startup Helper, Analytics Consultant and Mentor.
I'm founder of AforAnalytics solution and Advisor of 333 Beverages. I help companies to Collect, Analyse the critical data using Business Intelligence tools. Implement the systems that help you know your business and to take business decision.
I understand you developed application where you need to add Reports/Analytics for your subscribers to access. You need below steps
1. Business Intelligence report embedding with Single Sign on(SSO) with your application. 2. BI tools may be Power BI/Tableau/Google Data studio. 3. You need a Analytics where multi user can login the same dashboard but with user security (Each user can only look at their own data)
One of the biggest impact you can make with BI reports are flexibility, Interactivity and you can also charge customer who required custom Reports(At some point, they required anyways). Most of the biggest winners in the market use BI for acquiring more customers.
This is Power full example for Advanced Analytics https://public.tableau.com/profile/a.for.analytic#!/vizhome/RetailPromotionalAnalytics/PromotionalAnalysis
AforAnalytics is a fastest and leading Analytics company on Planet Earth. There is a plan for Micro/Mini/Medium/Large sized companies. Have u ever heard Business Intelligence Reports services starting from $1,000?