It's easy to get things done when you're reacting directly to a boss giving instruction, a client who needs services, or a deadline that must be met. Otherwise, staying productive is tough for most of us. If you're the boss, you let yourself off the hook too easily. If you work from home, you have to resist tempting time-wasters like chores, errands, TV, and requests from people who think you have every day off! Maybe the internet, Facebook, social media, and podcasts are distractions. Or working really hard on things that don't matter very much, and don't bring in revenue, and let you get sucked into too many details, or never get finished!
Perhaps you feel it's not just at work where productivity is a problem. Maybe the combined demands of business + family + other obligations is just too much for days that only last 24 hours. And maybe you've sacrificed time at the gym, or with friends, or just reading or being alone...because you can't find the time to do it ALL.
I can't give you more time because the earth keeps spinning at the same rate for all of us. BUT I *CAN* HELP YOU.
You CAN be more productive. You CAN find time for what matters AND for what/who you love. You CAN have fewer sleepless nights and less anxiety and give yourself a break.
Not to brag, but I'm good at this. I've been coaching business owners and executives and high-achieving professionals and freelancers on this very thing for 6+ years as a self-employed, independent coach. And I've been doing it for decades as a manager, trainer, teacher, friend...
I really love to help people get MORE of what they want, and isn't that why you want to be more productive? To get MORE of something? Whether it's more time, money, love, sex, peace and quiet, exercise, fun, or whatever--let me help.
Typically, being more productive requires prioritizing, scheduling, using systems, and creating accountability. Sounds overwhelming? DON'T WORRY. I WILL MAKE IT SIMPLE.
Once our call is booked, you may want to send me a bit more info about your goals or challenges, and I may even have some prework you can do so our time together on the call will be well-spent and...well...PRODUCTIVE!
I'm looking forward to helping you reach your goals.