


Are there marketplace experts for mentoring here on clarity.fm?

Mentoring will be conducted through clarity.fm scheduled paid consultation. Expert must have built a marketplace or have full knowledge of how etsy, houzz, zillow, trulia, pinterest system or ebay works.


Dan Martell, SaaS Business Coach, Investor, Founder of Clarity answered:

Clarity has dozen's of experts in this area - some are list here:

and here:

My favorites are
- Micha Kaufman (Founder/CEO @ Fiverr.com) https://clarity.fm/micha
- John Ramey (Founder/CEO of isocket.com) https://clarity.fm/johnramey
- Josh Brelinger (VC, previously #5 @ oDesk.com) https://clarity.fm/jbreinlinger
- Dinesh Thiru (VP of Marketing @ Udemy.com) https://clarity.fm/dinesht
- Fergus Dyer-Smith (Founder/CEO @ Wooshii.com https://clarity.fm/fergusdyer-smith
+ many more.

Tom Williams, Clarity's top expert on all things startup answered:

Generally, I'd encourage you to check out the Search feature here on Clarity that has a number of featured experts that list where they feel most able to be of help. Check out their reviews and the answers they have submitted to get a good idea of their potential fit with you. Here are a couple of suggestions:

Dan Martell - Founder of Clarity

Boris Wertz - Cofounder of AbeBooks which sold to Amazon and an investor in many marketplace companies:

And Elan Mosbacher (I don't know him but his profile looks good) https://clarity.fm/elanmosbacher

Ankush Mahajan answered:

Let me know If I can help you. I am working with Yo!Kart online marketplace platform where we help global business owners to launch their own eBay, Etsy, Amazon, or other such marketplaces. I can help you to guide on these topics:

Future of online marketplaces
Different Business models
What are popular revenue channels in an online marketplace
What are the must-have features and functionalities?
How to start with pro active and pre active marketing

Feel free to ping me.

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