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I would suggest reaching out to the person or organization you were supposed to call or meet with to inform them of your availability. You can also try to reschedule the call or meeting for a later date and time that works better for you.
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How to find the right business coach? And not spend thousands searching for them?
If you spent that money on Clarity ($200 with an expert) and you didn't get value, email support@clarity.fm for a full refund. We offer 100% money back guarantee. Alternatively, you can sort by ratings and price. If you want a great coach - call John, he's awesome https://clarity.fm/johnramey Also, Marcy if you can afford her https://clarity.fm/marcyswensonDM
Where should I focus my money if I'm trying to scale my business online?
If I were you, I would launch a Facebook Group. It's the easiest way right now to create a community around your business of people interested in your offering and which contribute to each other. Why a Facebook Group? Think about where is the primary place where people spend their time without getting paid. Yep, you guessed it right. It's Facebook. B2B Marketers/Founders/CEOs… Your audience is on Facebook. Trust me, or better, trust people that are seriously smashing it on this niche thanks to Facebook Groups. I’ve started my Facebook Group recently after Vin Clancy and Charlie Price from the famous “Traffic and Copy” group suggested me various time to do it. In the word of Vin Clancy: “It’s the perfect place to build your 1000 true fans.” Other reasons why to start one are: - You have a community! To test our your ideas, and to gain a sustainable momentum (people from your group will invite more in the future, and so on.) - There are way too many blogs out there, and people are sick and tired of optin popups, they tend to give their emails much less (only when the content it’s remarkable, but with so many competition it’s hard to stand out.) - It’s the only public area of Facebook. For the rest, FB is pushing down all the organic reach to push you to buy FB Ads (in groups it’s still not possible.) A Quick Note on Personal Branding Ultimately creating remarkable contents on your Facebook Group (Linkedin and other platforms and blogs as well of course) with consistency will contribute to building your brand and differentiate from the competitors. You’ll create a little space progressively in the brain of your customers with a kind of “positive karma” which they will want to reciprocate in the future (we’re human beings, read Robert Cialdini’s book for more about that.) If you need support in creating and growing your Facebook Group from 0 to thousands of members, and monetize it, call me here on Clarity!AS
Where can I find a business coach or mentor to help me gain clarity and direction in setting up a business?
Finding a coach is easy - there are many of them out there. Finding the right coach is the challenge. There are several factors to consider: Working with a coach that has similar experience in their background is not absolutely necessary, but can be very valuable. Having someone that can truly understand what you're trying to accomplish, and can empathize with the challenges you face, will help smooth communication. Coaching skills are equally important, though. Many experienced business people position themselves as "coaches", but they aren't actually very skilled at coaching - they're more likely to tell you what *they* would do, rather than truly help you dig deep and find the right answer for yourself. The result is that you end up pursuing your version of someone else's goal, or someone else's version of your goal. Neither is totally fulfilling. "Fit" is also really important. Personality, communication style, sense of humor... - these all factor in to the quality of a coaching relationship, and are very personal and unique to each coach. Take the time to meet several potential coaches and see who you connect with. Also, don't ever feel bad about saying "this just isn't working". I used to be very skeptical of coaching as a profession, for a number of reasons. Once I found the right coach, though, the experience was transformational for me, and pivotal to my success as an entrepreneur. I'd be happy to have a conversation to determine if there's a "fit". I work with dozens of entrepreneurs, having been one myself for over 12 years. I'm not right for everyone, though. You have to make that determination for yourself.KK
i want know how to get clients
Here's a quick rundown on how to get your first client; First: Conduct Target Market and Prospect Analysis. This is the most important part. Most people never spend enough time on this. You need to have a clear understanding of your target market and who your prospects are. All that work doesn't sound fun or sexy, but fuckin do it. Second: Run A Competitor Analysis relevant to your niche. The internet is full of trash so make sure you research the winners and not losers. Third: After collecting all that data from the last 2 steps. Create a minimum viable offer based on the research you just did. Then ... Fourth: Get your ass out there and start getting as many people to and to hear about you. Start off doing Discovery or Strategy call's Post on Social Media channels, Facebook, LinkedIn, or Alignable offering your sessions In-Person Events Answer answer questions and help people here Keep at it consistently, then you'll get more than one client. It's going to take some effort, but be consistent and you'll be surprised at how many client you can land within 1-2 Months. Lastly, DON'T be like the 95% of people on facebook, instagram and just the internet who sells and gets a client but KNOWS THEY CAN'T provide what that client needs. Separate yourself from the losers, be honest and have some integrity. Which will work overall better for you and gets you more clients because your legit and can be trusted. TLDR: 1) Conduct Target Market and Prospect Analysis 2) Competitor Analysis 3) Get Your Ass Out There and Prospect (Assuming your not a marketing badass like yours truly) 4) Offer As Many Free Sessions You Can (Except Here) 5) Be Consistent and Don't Waver 6) DON'T BE A DOUCHEBAG Call or Don't Call. Just hope that helped s you out!!AE
How do I become a consultant?
STOP!!! DON'T DO IT. GO GET A REAL JOB!! PLEASE! You don't plan to be a consultant. You become a consultant because the experience and wisdom you have is so obvious that those around you are eager to pay you for your insight. It's a calling -- not a job. Giving your "business advice" to a startup is like telling a 2-year-old to go "poo poo in th potty" -- anyone can do it. You just have to be a little bit more sophisticated than a baby. To service people who have money (and who are serious about how they spend that money) you need to take you game to a whole new level. I suggest you intern or partner with an amazing consultant who does this already. Learn. Do the gritty work that no one else is wiling to do. Everyone is a coach. Right? Drink a beer on game day and you supposedly know more than than the dude on the sidelines with the clipboard. But is that "really" the case? Of course not... DON'T BE A COACH. BE A LEADER.DW
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