MenuHow can I find my niche for consulting?
My passion is be around entrepreneurs and business owners and add value. I love coaching/consulting and public speaking!
I like how you have identified your passion and understand who you want your target audience to be. I have sold technology solutions for 6+ years to entrepreneurs and business owners- a big part of the selling process requires value-adding, which can only be achieved by understanding the minds of your target audience.
To find a niche, you need to start by asking yourself what kind of value you can bring to your specific target audience of entrepreneurs or business owners. Everyone has limited attention span these days and unless you can figure out what these people care about and how your coaching/consulting services can benefit them, it will be difficult to connect and add value for the entrepreneurs.
In short, you should determine your niche by figuring out what these folks care about and then hone your craft around providing value for those individuals.
Happy to get on a phone call if you want to talk about specifics.
It is not exactly clear what your question is, so stage one would be helping you define what your goal is. Either way, it sounds like you have a lot of passion (and perhaps experience), so during our call I would better understand your skills and experience, and then give you advice on what niche you should focus on, how to present/market yourself, and where to find your target market.
I've successfully helped over 300 entrepreneurs and would be happy to help you if you need. After scheduling a call, be sure to please send me some background information so that I can prepare before - thus giving you maximum value for your money during the call itself.
Good luck
Has anyone hired you yet? If so, cultivate why they hired you? If not, are friends and colleagues reaching out to you for help? If so, cultivate why they reached out for help. An effective way to find your niche is based on what the marketplace is already communicating to you. if you have not been sought after yet, I would run through a personal assessment and seek feedback from my closest business colleagues. Lastly, you could also hire a coach that specializes working in launching coaches and consultants.
Your "passion" is around entrepreneurs and business owners. But is that also your "experience" in being one or helping others in any way shape or form.
You love coaching and consulting and speaking... which infers you've done it a lot.
Unless you mean you "would love to" coach/consult/speak but haven't done it yet.
You would need to be more specific. Because your ability to help consult is dependent upon your actual ability to help consult.
I did this video about the topic https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mJmeJ6-D4rI
But you still need to start with your existing ability to help
It's great that you have discovered this passion! Like many others have touched on, your experience is very important when it comes to consulting. Do you have experience as an entrepreneur or business owner? Have you been very successful as one? If so, doing a combination of career & business coaching for entrepreneurs / business owners could be the right niche. If you don't have that sort of experience, you could consider a few different types of roles that will get you the right experience to become a trusted advisor to these sorts of clients (management consulting, leadership consulting, venture capital, PE, etc.) I would be happy to chat with you and discuss in more detail if you'd like to set up a call!
To find your niche in public speaking you need to understand who, what, whom, medium and effect. Most public speeches can be broken down into five basic elements, usually expressed as “Who is saying What to Whom using what Medium with what Effects?”
Besides if you do have any questions give me a call: https://clarity.fm/joy-brotonath
Perhaps it's wise to take my free VIP call
Let's find out your purpose together. Before you invest not solely your time and energy, whilst resources.
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