


Where should I focus my money if I'm trying to scale my business online?

I am a professional Running Coach looking to scale my business online, where should I spend the most energy?

I'm also looking to create a high ticket coaching certification program that I plan to launch early 2018.


Angelo Sorbello, Get More Free Traffic through Data-Driven SEO answered:

If I were you, I would launch a Facebook Group.

It's the easiest way right now to create a community around your business of people interested in your offering and which contribute to each other.

Why a Facebook Group?

Think about where is the primary place where people spend their time without getting paid.

Yep, you guessed it right. It's Facebook.

B2B Marketers/Founders/CEOs… Your audience is on Facebook. Trust me, or better, trust people that are seriously smashing it on this niche thanks to Facebook Groups. I’ve started my Facebook Group recently after Vin Clancy and Charlie Price from the famous “Traffic and Copy” group suggested me various time to do it.

In the word of Vin Clancy: “It’s the perfect place to build your 1000 true fans.” Other reasons why to start one are:

- You have a community! To test our your ideas, and to gain a sustainable momentum (people from your group will invite more in the future, and so on.)
- There are way too many blogs out there, and people are sick and tired of optin popups, they tend to give their emails much less (only when the content it’s remarkable, but with so many competition it’s hard to stand out.)
- It’s the only public area of Facebook. For the rest, FB is pushing down all the organic reach to push you to buy FB Ads (in groups it’s still not possible.)

A Quick Note on Personal Branding

Ultimately creating remarkable contents on your Facebook Group (Linkedin and other platforms and blogs as well of course) with consistency will contribute to building your brand and differentiate from the competitors. You’ll create a little space progressively in the brain of your customers with a kind of “positive karma” which they will want to reciprocate in the future (we’re human beings, read Robert Cialdini’s book for more about that.)

If you need support in creating and growing your Facebook Group from 0 to thousands of members, and monetize it, call me here on Clarity!

Mohammed J, Product Discovery, Design, Marketing and Mgmt answered:

success of any coaching business is the personal time you can allocate. In your case, for the individual runner.

I assume that you have a few runners under your kitty. Servicing them is taking a lot of your time. In your effort to earn more per hour of your time you were looking for ideas and came up with with this certification thing.

It's a very logical evolution. Have you thought about a radical evolution?

Radical one will be to double down on your current engagements to the brim of your capacity.

Your time is going for productive and unproductive work. You should consciously identify unproductive tasks for you and bring in someone to help you.

In terms of productive time, you should build frameworks to ensure that a lot of work is transferred to your customer.

Please focus on this optimization for now. Invest your money here. Don't waste capital on other unnecessary steps. Let's have a call to explore more.

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