MenuWhere to get consulting for shareholders stocks' portfolios, custodian communication, stock loans?
There are several options for consulting on shareholders' stock portfolios, custodian communication, and stock loans. Some of these include:
Financial Advisors: Many financial advisors, such as those at large financial institutions or independent firms, have experience working with shareholders and can provide guidance on managing stock portfolios and other investments.
Stockbrokers: Stockbrokers can provide information and advice on buying and selling stocks and can assist with executing trades on behalf of shareholders.
Stock loan service providers: There are a number of firms that provide stock loan services, these firms typically focus on lending against publicly traded shares, they also provide collateral management services and market intelligence to their clients.
Custodian banks: Some custodian banks also provide custodian services as well as services of communication with the shareholders and other parties related to the shares or securities on the portfolio.
It's important to keep in mind that consulting services may require a fee, and it's important to understand what you're paying for and to make sure that the firm or individual providing the services is qualified and licensed to do so. Researching the background of the firm or individual, reading reviews and checking with regulatory agencies, like SEC, would be a good step before engaging in any business with them.
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Here are some ways to get more customers: 1. Start by reaching out to your friends who own businesses and ask to doncome consulting work for them in exchange for case studies. You need to show credibility to give people a reason to trust you and work with you. 2. Create content. Either document your journey as a consultant or create a blog/vlog that will give you the ability to demonstrate your expertise. 3. Once you have content to work with, promote it via ads. 4. Lastly ask people to introduce you to people or businesses they may know could use your services. Hope this helps! I'm available for followups if needed!MB
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Recently, I've hit a "tipping point" where I have enough content (blog posts, podcasts, interviews, etc...) that companies now regularly seek me out for advice. "To be known, you must teach" - Nathan Barry After I wrote "This is a web page" (http://justinjackson.ca/words.html) I was contacted by VPs at Coca-Cola and Google. They weren't offering me work: they just wanted to say they enjoyed my writing. Writing, and amplifying your content, is one way to get your foot in the door.JJ
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