MenuShould I build a tool to index public Facebook posts to help customers generate leads ?
Dan Martell's Flowtown got shut down because Facebook didn't like the fact that they were selling private data of users (I got this from http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a7eLPcSJIog).
I've built www.whiqq.com which lets people search publicly available posts from Facebook fan pages only. But what people or businesses actually want to search is public posts from people's profile to generate leads and not just the Fan pages. I know Facebook policy does not allow that and it does not allow to build search engine using Facebook data. But companies like www.buzznumbershq.com and http://www.brandwatch.com/ are doing this.
- Should I build it anyway ? Because I know I can do a better job and provide better…
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Online Lead Generation, Social Media Monitoring
3 answers
11 years ago
You can still do it anyway. This is the old method. Replace the search keyword. Also Facebook intends to launch conversational search soon. So do not build one unless you intend to code it yourself https://www.facebook.com/search/results.php?q=trident%20bkc&type=eposts&init=quick&tas=0.09978408319875598
I would avoid anything to do with Facebook at this point. The network is consumed with spam and low level engagement. Have an app? Google Apps or Apple are the way to go.
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