MenuHow can I get an investor to be interested in my brand?
We have fitness brand which design and market a physical products. We are planning to scale fast and currently 4 year in business every year we have 100% growth. We would like grow faster and acquired more market. At this point we would like to consider to have investor to help us to grow.
Hi - I work with investors on a daily basis. You need to be able to show value of your brand. Either push this through public relations, thought leadership and being authentic. I'd recommend testing all avenues to attract the attention of investors in your sector. Gaining trust is key. You can also try an aggressive PR strategy like giving away free promos or content. Anything that shows your value appeals an investor.
This has been answered in various iterations, however quite simply, "Woo with You" - investors invest in people who can execute. If you can show your product solves a problem, and you can show in a clear, simple & precise way how you can make money, and why you're the person, 90% of the work is done.
Often companies get ahead of themselves with complicated runways & market strategies. Investors are often learning about you and your product for the first time, so put yourself in their shoes and what would you need to see, before you were willing to part with your hard earned cash. Remember, you can lose them quickly, so keep it simple & clear.
Know that investors will be looking primarily at three things:
- Your market opportunity: have you identified a need and an audience for the thing you sell? What is the potential market share? What is the buying power?
- Your team: are you somebody who can work hard and adapt quickly? Is that true of the rest of your team as well?
- Your finances: will you make good decisions with another person's money?
Hello my dear friend.
This seems to be very simple but it is not. But not difficult either.
I have raised the funding for my brother's start up .5 million dollars.
Do call me. I will get cleared all your doubts. And also I will provide you the process for that.
Stay blessed. Waiting for your call.
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