


Would a physical center for social networking and social media learning be viable?

I've been working on setting up a social networking and social media center. I call it a direction and connection center. I want to put it in the heart of Chicago--Michigan Avenue. I have a lot of support from universities and the city and connections I have made over the last two decades. I see the need for a center like this but as I want it in a retail setting, what things should I watch out for or capitalize on or just be thinking about? One of the things to note is that I see that this type of center would appeal to a family, say a dad who needs to constantly keep up with the changing social media tools and strategies, the mom who wants to start a new business and even their kids who are into social but more for games, learning, etc. The center will not only respond to the…


Gail Gardner answered:

It would certainly be viable, particularly if you create events that appeal to particular groups of people. Be sure to appeal to both sides of each group: providers (businesses) and customers.

For example, get a local restaurant to sponsor and provide samples of their food and do a presentation on how customers of restaurants can benefit from joining the restaurants list so the restaurant can send them special offers (such as what they're doing for Mother's Day or Thanksgiving) or a kids eat free night.

Do a night for organizations on how they can use social media to keep in touch with their members, collaborate with others, grow their group, and manage projects.

Encourage authors and local bands to use your center to meet with their fans. Explain how the artists can share their schedules with fans so they create a stronger fan base. Bill these as "fan appreciation events" and hold them before a major performance to get more fans to the event or before a new book or record comes out to increase sales.

A major benefit of your center could be teaching people to use LinkedIn and job boards to find employment. Provide assistance with resume creation, LinkedIn profile optimization, and how to search for jobs that are the best fit.

There are limitless ideas for how you can get sponsors to support your efforts and people through the door. These can get you started. Feel free to ask if you would like more.

Lora Crestan answered:

This is a very interesting idea. Sounds like a hub where learning can take place as well as connecting with like-minded people. I have been hosting networking and leadership development events for 5 years. Some of the networking events led to hosting sessions on Twitter and LinkedIn for business owners. Your plan has a great deal of potential.

In order to get this off the ground you will need to develop some clear strategies and tactics around the specific offerings you will provide to which audience. For example: moms & dads - hosting weekly seminars, or one-on-one session (like booking an appointment with the Geniuses at the Apple Store); for business owners - a breakfast networking session that really focuses on connection (not media); regular workshops in different network segments; classes for entire teams.

The retail setting sounds viable. I like the fact that it would be accessible and you can definitely assist in capturing the teen market - helping them understand what should and should not be posted, how to build their profiles professionally for the future and more. You could connect this part of your enterprise to a fundraising event.

Looking at what you are considering and the location, tapping into resources at the Universities and business/tech accelerators could help you find talent to staff the facility - interns, co-op students etc.

This is an exciting venture.There are so many parts to consider as you get this going - costs, staffing, marketing etc. I would be happy to discuss building this plan with you. Please let me know how I can be of help with any follow up questions.

Craig Ennis, PR/Media & Business Advisor answered:

Might want to think about having a small physical footprint to keep square foot costs low (maybe a booth instead of a storefront, for instance) for starters. Might also want to think of packaged programs (i.e. $19.99 for a set up of 3 social media apps on a device, a 10 minute tutorial, and a 2-page handout) so that you have something very specific and tangible to sell.
Seems like a good idea if you can get in a small space with a lot of foot traffic.
Have you thought about the all-important question of who you DON'T want to sell/market to?

Joy Broto Nath , 🌎Harvard Certified Global Corporate Trainer🌍 answered:

Physical centre for social media I believe may not be a good idea to work with. Social media works upon 4 benefits for individual:
1. Personal Use: Individuals can use the social media for personal reasons, which may be for keeping in touch with the latest technology, news, gossip, and happenings around the world or in their own locality. Social media is also fast replacing the traditional means of communications. Currently, it would be hard to find a person who does not use the e-mail facility to send messages to friends/colleagues and/or for official purposes or use the social media for collaboration.
2. Explore Your Creativity: The social media is available in many forms, as explained in the previous chapter. People can use this media to explore their own creativity, for example, a person who loves to write can create their own blogs and explore their writing talents. Blogs are the best way for individuals to express themselves, their views, and opinions on all subjects. In this manner, a person can establish their expertise in their niche subject by using the blog effectively. There are several other writing platforms that allow people to submit content on their site and reward them in different ways. Due to the very nature of social media it is easy to reach a large audience and find an interested readership.
3. Social Interaction: Human beings love to socialise and interact with each other. The social media enables people to interact with each other using the universally accessible and scalable communication techniques that are available today, in the form of websites and the mobile phones.
4. Get Empowered: The social media has succeeded in putting the power back into the consumer’s hands. As mentioned in the paragraph above, any individual can have a “social influence” by virtue of his/her social interactions on the web or via mobile technologies.
I believe a physical centre will not be able to provide these benefits.
Besides if you do have any questions give me a call: https://clarity.fm/joy-brotonath

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