MenuIn the area of cryptocurrencies, can you tell me what an airdrop is?
I'm interested in cryptocurrencies and I've had some difficulties concerning some technical points and some trading vocabulary.
An Airdrop is a free distribution of crypto coins (or tokens) to a number of members ranging from the privileged few to anyone who requests it. This distribution is often carried out by the creator of the token or currency in question. The purpose of this free distribution of tokens is multiple for the company : to make it possible to be known through the advertising of the airdrop, to make it possible to greatly increase the number of users who own and use the token to ensure the sustainability of the company, or to thank its community for their follow-up and their involvement in the project.
If you have other questions don't hesitate to contact myself (for vocabulary you can easily find definitions on Google but for more technical questions it's sometimes more difficult)
=> http://pxlme.me/wCSdD7Ak
An airdrop is a token distribution of an specific blockchain cryptocurrency that is awarded to existing users for an specific event
An AirDrop is when a startup gives away free tokens at the early stages of their Initial Token Sale (ITO) to demonstrate that there is public interest in their sale.
They are often targeted at key opinion leaders and media to encourage coverage and comment.
Mark Walmsley
Airdrop is the free distribution of crypto coins or tokens to the wallets of users. It may be done to increase the awareness of the company and its coin. Or as a reward to users or subscribers. Or to maintain the stability of the coin. The benefit is it ensures coins are evenly distributed and truly decentralized.
It may also be a fundraising process. Airdropping for this purpose can raise the market value of the coin without even selling a single coin.
It is actually free money being distributed but in the long run, it brings many more benefits to the company.
This feature is nowadays integrated by many cryptocurrency platforms developers along with other features such as multi-wallet, etc.
You can read about more such features offered in a crypt exchange at
Anybody can get involved in airdrop if they confirm the following, a cryptocurrency wallet, base tokens, and obviously, access to information.
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