MenuWhat are the best practices with SEO?
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Step one, spend a day researching competitors, keywords, onpage and offpage SEO...and then get yourself knowledgeable enough to find an expert who has experience in your industry and then work with them...try and implement their suggestions yourself if your team can...that will reduce cost.
Lots and lots of best practices for SEO. I'd start with keyword research to determine what keywords you need to rank for to effectively sell your product or service. A good starting place for a novice is https://moz.com/learn/seo. If you don't want to learn it might make more sense to hire someone to help you.
I'm happy to go deeper in a phone call. Best of luck.
There is a lot that goes into SEO, from content, length of articles, the way your app is built, etc.
Good content is still king when it comes to SEO. If you are creating content that people are looking for, it will get indexed, and other publishers will link to your content (this is a big piece of the SEO puzzle).
Here are some best practices from Moz:
Hope this helps!
When approaching SEO it’s always a good idea to keep in mind what Google’s ultimate goal is, in regards to their organic search results. Since this is their bread and butter, they take the results, very, very serious.
In my opinion Google’s ultimate goal is to provide high quality, relevant websites that best match the search query AND intent of the user.
Based off of this assumption, my approach is to target and optimize my clients websites for only those search terms that are relevant to their industry/niche, and that match the query and intent of a potential customer. (see more here: http://www.lamontagnemarketing.com/2014/10/08/5-important-seo-elements-to-optimize-on-your-website/).
Additionally the level of content needs to be very high, as low-quality and thin content has pretty much been eradicated by Google (as it should be).
When you step back and put yourself in Google’s shoes, it becomes much easier to understand what’s going to work in the long run and what’s not. If you do this, you won’t need to chase the latest algorithm update ever again.
If you'd like to discuss in a bit more detail, I'd be happy to schedule a time to chat.
There are several practices you can opt for like optimizing your images, optimizing your page speed or using internal linking etc.
Besides if you do have any questions give me a call: https://clarity.fm/joy-brotonath
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I have been working in SEO for over 10 years and have built search agencies from the ground up. I've also worked with some big brands on International SEO like Active.com, as well as many US based chains like Extended Stay Hotels. I suggest sub-directories as they are MUCH easier to manage and promote via SEO. You can't have specific local IPs with sub-directories, but you can with sub-domains. But that's not hyper critical, there are WAY more important factors. Plus, you can geo-target in Google Webmaster Tools. Your current structure for sub-directories is perfect: http://drivingtests101.com/Canada/Ontario With subdomains, each will be treated like a brand new site. So you would have to work very hard to get each to gain good authority SEO-wise. Plus managing and hosting lots of subdomains is a ton of work! In order to not get penalized you need to: Implement the the "lang" and "hreflang" tags in the HTML of each country directory and all pages within. Have unique Title tags and descriptions written in each language. Have unique content for each country and state page. Written in each respective language. Yes, its a TON of work but hey, you are trying to take over the world! If you are serious about international search traffic then you will do these things and the costs should be balanced out with the extra traffic you'll get. If you can make the root domain super authoritative then it will boost ALL of the internal pages. This is also key to ranking well for international search. I'm open to a follow up call to elaborate on any of my responses or to answer other questions.MS
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