MenuWhat is your Growth Hacking Strategy on Early Stage with Customer Acquisition for the first 100 Paid customer ?
1. Boise Cleaning Fairy, we sell residential & move out cleans.
2. We had no brand, no clients, no cleaning experience.
3. We wanted more customers. To do this we focused on review platforms that had very little competition. The top Yelp cleaner only had 7 reviews, the top Thumbtack cleaner only had 29 reviews, the top Google+ local page had 50 reviews.
4. After the clean was done, we asked the client if they were happy. If they were, we offered them $25 off to leave us a review on either Yelp, Thumbtack, or Google+ (because me & my cofounder were doing the cleans ourselves, this didn't even cost us anything). The end result is we became the #1 rated cleaning service in Idaho within 6 months and went $0-$10k/mo revenue. And we were only spending maybe $200/mo on advertising.
General rule of thumb for this is extremely simple.
Provide unique + high value + people will beat down your doors to give you money.
My typical way for doing this, for completely new niches, is to work Meetup. I you get in rooms with a few people, this provides a great venue for you to work out your sales pitch.
Refining your pitch... to where it's near pitch-less or such a soft sell, no one knows your selling.
First attend + network.
Next, speak for groups - Meetup, WordCamp (or similar for your niche), PubCon, Affiliate Summit.
Really any conference will do. All that's required is you bridge your topic to the conference.
Say you're running a Uber knock off, then go speak at WordCamps (several run every week somewhere in the world), about the technology of your product + likely you'll pickup 100 paid customers in only a few talks.
This technique can be applied to any niche.
I believe this link will greatly help you out: http://www.diva-portal.org/smash/get/diva2:1220834/FULLTEXT01.pdf
Besides if you do have any questions give me a call: https://clarity.fm/joy-brotonath
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Apple specifically precludes anything that can't be delivered via the app from using in-app purchases. So you're free to tie a credit-card to services and real-world fees (think Uber) without paying Apple any transaction fees. Here's Apple's documentation on what they support (and don't allow) for in-app purchases. https://developer.apple.com/in-app-purchase/In-App-Purchase-Guidelines.pdf Happy to help in any way I can. I run a mobile-based startup myself.TW
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How was SnapChat able to grow so quickly?
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