MenuI'm interested in using text analytics in my therapy practice. Do I need to have a program written for me or is there user friendly software available
I would like to have questionnaires analyzed to identify similarities and differences in couples.
Filed under:
Text Analytics:
Therapists, Surveying
1 answer
9 years ago
You can simply use Microsoft Excel and its filters.
Filter the data and click on the filter of the colum where similiar texts are. After that use "contains" filter and put a kew after the last column of your data.
Excel is a great tool that you can use it also for grouping the data and analyse it.
It dependa on which phase of your study you are but google form is a great tool also.
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How can you know the habits, likes and dislikes of your customer?
Use Facebook insight. There is a feature in facebook that you can use to identify your potential customer and i'm revealing you a simple trick. Choose a 'public figure' of your niche: as an example if you are a personal trainer you can choose a very known name, then go to facebook insight, in the business manager, and put the name of him. If it's very well known, probably he has a fan page or something, so Facebook will display you the identikit of the people interested. They go VERY IN DEEP: you can see how much they earn, what is the average family, where they live etc Write down these datas. You can use it further also for paid ads.JV
Has anyone used SurveyMonkey before? (a website to buy people's feedback to test out if your product can sell)
Ah, Tinder for introverts? I have used SurveyMonkey before and I am using it now to test an online/on demand PR course that I am filming. Yes, it is a great idea to test with SurveyMonkey and it is a very easy site to use. You can add the link to your survey on all social media and in an email. I would start by emailing all of your contacts. However you may want to consider giving your testers something to try. Have you developed a prototype? I also recommend finding out what people think about your idea via meetups and events and by creating an opt-in page. Let me know if you need any help.MJ
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