MenuWhat process should I take to acquire customers?
I am looking for something detailed and easy to follow:
ie. day 1 do this.
day 2 do this.
and so on.
Day 1:
--- Set up analytics to you can track how successful each of your attempts is. This will allow you to choose which to focus on and optimize. Use freemium services to make it easier
o Popcorn metrics (to define what to track) connected to Mixpanel (visualization of data)
o Learn how to use Urchin Tracking Modules (UTMs) so that you can better distinguish which of your methods are working best in later steps.
--- Start trying to define the 'persona' of your customer. This will help you in the next steps when you think of ways of getting them to know about your product.
--- Learn about and get set up for a 'drip email campaign' which you will need on Day 3. You could use MailChimp.
Day 2:
--- Start trying different methods for telling potentially interested people about your product.
--- Ads
o Google adwords
o Facebook
--- Engage with communities
o Online
= Twitter
= Facebook
= Youtube
= Blogs / news sites
o Offline
= Meetups
= Television news
--- Think up other methods to try. Anything that somehow describes your product to those that would likely want to buy it
--- Get as much contact info as possible. As people land on your website, even if they don't buy anything, you should be collecting email addresses from as many as possible.
--- Watch your analytics data in real time as much as possible (using Mixpanel), especially right after starting to try something new.
Day 3:
--- Analyze your data and start working more on the promising tactics.
--- Start working on SEO (Search Engine Optimization) for your site. The basic stuff can be done quickly, but to get it to work well takes time.
--- Start your 'drip email campaign' with the emails you've collected (and continue to collect) to stay in touch with your potential customers about your product.
If only it we're as easy as someone telling you exactly what to do and voilá, the customers would just appear. In reality very few startups actually fail because they can't put together a decent product and very many fail because no one ever hears that they exist. There are a great variety of different customer acquisition channels you can try. If you get one channel to work, you already have a good business. If you get more than one to work, you have a fantastic business. I'd recommend reading online about customer acquisition channels.
Hi there,
requesting a step by step plan based on the day-to-day format you've just outlined will not help.
Businesses vary, and what works for others may not work for you. So, I'd suggest you share a bit more about your business, and then I'll be able to give you some pointers. Feel free to contact me directly if need be.
With all due respect, your question is quite naive. Looking for something like this is useless because every business is different. There are lots of consultants who will walk you though this for a fee (many of us on here are paid consultants).
You should not look for a cookie-cutter remedy to a complicated problem.
"Prescription without diagnosis = malpractice" so if someone suggests a detailed plan for you, then ignore it.
Hi there, I hope this helps... I've used phases not days. Not much can be achieved or learned in a day, sorry!
Phase 1.
Understand, based on your business plan, how much you could pay to acquire a customer. A rough rule of thumb is on third of your retail price, but every business/product is different. This is your cost per acquisition target (CpA). The CpA should take into account the lifetime value of each customer rather than just to profit from the initial purchase. (This is obviously difficult in the early stages).
Phase 2.
Try free stuff, like social media. But don't just try in one way. Try different offers and promotions and be clear about what the objective is for each mini campaign. It might be that 'Likes' are a goal initially, just to give credibility. A campaign to do that might look very different to an acquisition campaign.
Only make a decision on whether or not something works if you have enough data.
Phase 3.
Try obvious targeted paid for media. The most obvious being AdWords and BING or even paid social. It's best to use somebody that knows what they're doing because the default settings can spend your money pretty quickly and might lead to you discounting something, like PPC, without good cause.
At all times try to collect data. Get contact details, set up retargeting to make your company appear bigger than it is. Start to build a database and learn how to utilise it. Try to ascertain which source of customers/likes/subscribers are worth the most (FB competition entrants tend to be quick to unsubscribe from emails etc. for example).
Make the most of what traction you do get by introducing member get member incentives from day one (if relevant).
Phase 4.
Don't ignore traditional media. Just because something can't be tracked with fancy software, it doesn't mean it shouldn't be used or that it can't be a good source of sales.
Phase 5.
Make sure you ignore generic advice offered without a good understanding of your particular challenges (like everything i've said above!).
Good luck with it all.
Every business is different, so it's hard to give you an exact answer that works for you but generally, when clients come to my agency (https://www.brotskydesigns.com) we follow these five main points:
1. Collect - We start by research demographics, collect data, etc.
2. Plan and Organize - We come up with a marketing strategy with hit lists, schedules, and budgets.
3. Deployment - We will start our plan and let it take effect.
4. Analyze - We review marketing data and figure out what worked and what didn't work.
5. Repeat - We fix our mistakes and continue doing things that worked.
I hope this helped. :)
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Need a good lead generation strategy for chiropractors for getting new patients. Ideas?
I think Facebook is great for really targeting your audience and you’re on the right track. But I think you can have a better funnel than that. I find, for getting better conversion today, it is better to get your Facebook traffic off of Facebook as fast as you can to your offer and into your funnel. It is more effective for driving actual sales. If you’re just looking for social branding etc. then your funnel might be ok. A very effect strategy is to create either a video or report that you give away to your audience in exchange for an email. It should be something that helps solve or bring to light the problems patients are suffering from and how to go about solving them. Then mention how having a great Chiropractor can solve all of that and can be the most effective way to get ride of the pain. I would also have some things in there that would help them in other ways. Then I would send them to an event or webinar with your top Chiropractor and you in an interview / reveal-all type webinar to educate your lead and manage their fears of going to a Chiropractor. You could tell them that the first step is making an appointment for an assessment. You should make it easy for them to find the best and most effective Chiropractor in their area. You might have a discount on the assessment only available to them for being on the webinar to get them to sign up at the end of the webinar. By the way, once this is recorded, you can make this evergreen so you don't have to do a webinar all the time. As long as you are reaching more and new people with your Facebook campaign you won’t have to change the video all the time. Once you have people signed up to make an appointment, make sure they are also putting a deposit of a 100 dollars or something down. This will increase your show rate for the Chiropractors. Then give them a voucher for that Chiropractor, for more than you’re asking for at the deposit for services, to use with that Chiropractor. Allowing you to prevent cancelations etc. so that their getting their money back in the form of a voucher for services which, by the way, is not a discount and shouldn’t diminishing your Chiropractors Rates. This strategy I have used in several markets that has produced more prequalified leads and patients / customers. Remember to test, track and know your metrics. You’re going to need to make some tweaks in the beginning, but this can be very effective for you. So to recap: 1. Setup a landing page with your offer in exchange for an offer. You can build this in software like Leadpages.net or Megaphoneapp.com 2. Make your offer downloadable if an ebook or white paper or present your video after. I recommend using Wistia instead of YouTube for playback as you will be able to have heat maps of your video to know where your fall off points are. You can also make this page with the software mentioned above. 3. Use an email autoresponder to engage your lead and email them about the event you’re doing after they had time to read or download your materials. Or, if a video, I would just pitch them at the end with a link below the video to automatically register. 4. Put on a webinar with your guest using either GoToWebinar or Google hangouts if you know how to set that up. 5. Make sure you have your appointment getting page with your the down payment created. You can use several different type of scheduling services so you can automatically deliver the lead/ appointment to the chiropractor. To Note: The reason I don’t send the visitor to the webinar first is because it is better to get the visitor predisposed to your information before asking them to commit to a webinar and when you do it the way I played out, you will have a much better show rate. This is it in a nutshell. Obviously there is more to it. If you need another funnel idea I am hear to help. I have used other effective strategies in the past to also make money on the front end to make your advertising free. It just depends on what you want to do and how advanced you want to get. Hope this helps give you some ideas. :) If you need help implementing something like this just let me know.MH
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What an awesome question! Businesses are running into this issue more frequently that ever, good news is, it can be done. Having worked on projects with oDesk, Fox Television and Wikipedia and having a very very small staff, it's certainly possible. Here's how I say it in our pitches to larger organizations: "Tractive West provides tailored video production services to organizations of all sizes. We have developed a distributed workflow using the latest digital tools. We leverage our small creative and management team with a world wide network of creative professionals, that means we can rapidly scale to meet the demands of any project while keeping our infrastructure and overhead lightweight and sustainable." Cheers and best of luck.SM
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This is not my specialty, however, I have been in your position many many times -- maybe this will help. If the product is in-tangible, then look for JV partners on the Internet. Try to find an expert that deals with these JV opportunities (like me). If the product is physical, then look for sales organizations that have networks of sales people across the country. You do the deal with the organization and the independent network of sales people sells your product. It's a sweet setup if you can negotiate a margin that works for everyone. Hope that helps - Cheers - NickNP
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