MenuWhere is the best place to find out which bloggers/journalists/writers cover different topics?
This question has no further details.
Are you looking to blast an entire email list of, let's say, tech writers with a pitch? Or are you looking to get on a particular website like GeekWire or TechCrunch?
Look up associations related to your targeted niche, you'll find all sorts of writers who are interested.
Your question is rather vague, and -- if not handled correctly -- can lead to a real bad experience for the journalist, and, in turn, your chances of getting any coverage.
I'd be happy to talk with your more about approaching these people strategically for the best possible results.
All the best,
Hi there, there a few ways of doing this. Is it a complete list across verticals you need, or is it for a specific purpose?
If you can let us know a few more details I may be able to help.
Google, just type the relevant search queries.
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