MenuWhat is the best way to find contractors for my marketing company?
I'm running a marketing company and looking to work with contractors on SEO, Facebook Ads, and other social platform.
How and where do I find those contractors?
What results I can expect? How can I measure their performance?
Upwork (formerly oDesk) is a great place to find "certified" and reviewed remote-working contractors. Results are generally good, as it is backed by a review system.
However, there needs to be a clear scope-of-work and you need a coordinator / project manager for best results.
Let me know if you need hep.
Not trying to be negative, but the majority of contractors are not even incorporated so trying to convince them they need a facebook page or even a website may be a hard sell unless they are very established and use other services like attornies or accounting firms. Contractors in general, are usually have less than five employees or less. The larger the company the better the chance for success in what you are trying to accomplish. If the contractor doesn't just run the business and actually does the jobs himself I think you are going to be surprised that you will get turned down probably 90% of the time.
Many contractors live paycheck to paycheck and don't have additional funds to try another platform.
Many contractors do not know how to automate their business in general by using services like paypal or a credit card company.
Many don't even have a facebook account and find it daunting to even get on the computer.
All hope is not gone though. Here is a list of things to consider when pursuing contractors.
1) Find trade shows where they advertise. If they advertise in any way and it's consistent that's someone that understands the value of additional services. For instance, in my industry we have the Apartment Association i.e. Texas Apartment Association with branches throughout the state. Become a member and you will have a list of all the contractors in that industry.
2) Angie's List has contractors with ratings. It will show the volume of their reviews which could help you determine how well they do financially.
3) Buy contractors list
4) Start a business network on LinkedIn. I started a property management group a couple years back and now it has over 4200 people with very little effort.
4) Have a landing page targeted to contractors where they can get information by providing an online submit form. Show them benefits of why your service is good or great and then ask them specific questions to see if they are good candidates for your service.
5) Provide a free service or free consultation to get your foot in the door.
At the end of the day you have to be creative in your approach. As far as results that will depend on your approach, the market you work and what services you provide.
There is no easy way to run a business or to attract business. Once you find your niche stick with it and tweak it from time to time to get the best results.
I've learned that if I get one customer the best way to get more is to provide that paying customer with the best experience possible and then ask for a referral. Don't you think other contractors know other contractors? That's your secret to your success right there. Provide outstanding service at a reasonable price and then ask for the referrals. It works so well for me I don't do advertising.
Be extremely careful in making claims for SEO that you can get them at the top of the search and you own website(s) don't show up at all.
SEO will mean nothing to most contractors and if they do trust you to get better results you had better deliver or your reputation will be ruined very fast. Especially true if you are working a primary city and not nationwide.
Last and final thing to look at is to see what your competition is doing to get business. Find a way to better your service and outshine them in the area for amazing results.
I have built products entirely through the management of remote contractors. Depending on what type of skillset you need the contractor for, there are a number of websites where you can find many many contractors for different types of work. Many of the websites have in-built trackers to track their time worked, and there are other 3rd party solutions you can use to allow you to track their work remotely as well. If you would like to schedule a call we can discuss the system and techniques required further. Best of luck.
If you go on a platform like Upwork, you may find already reviewed contractors. You may look at their work history, real life work experience and other profile details to make your decisions. I work on Upwork as a wikipedia page creator and have found that many of my newer clients usually search for the tag line and basic profile summary rather than work history - so it may make sense that you would like to hire those without a great work history on the platform itself as they may also be mentioning, *real life* experience and off platform experience which may lead you to hiring them on the same platform.
Except Freelancer and upwork I have suggested you go with Linkedin. This is the best way to find contractors for your requirements.
In SEO, you can expect result after 3 months.
How can I measure performance? - you can check organic traffic for your top keyword rather then refferal traffic and direct traffic.
If increase the ranking of your targeted keywords and traffic then it's your pure result.
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Need a good lead generation strategy for chiropractors for getting new patients. Ideas?
I think Facebook is great for really targeting your audience and you’re on the right track. But I think you can have a better funnel than that. I find, for getting better conversion today, it is better to get your Facebook traffic off of Facebook as fast as you can to your offer and into your funnel. It is more effective for driving actual sales. If you’re just looking for social branding etc. then your funnel might be ok. A very effect strategy is to create either a video or report that you give away to your audience in exchange for an email. It should be something that helps solve or bring to light the problems patients are suffering from and how to go about solving them. Then mention how having a great Chiropractor can solve all of that and can be the most effective way to get ride of the pain. I would also have some things in there that would help them in other ways. Then I would send them to an event or webinar with your top Chiropractor and you in an interview / reveal-all type webinar to educate your lead and manage their fears of going to a Chiropractor. You could tell them that the first step is making an appointment for an assessment. You should make it easy for them to find the best and most effective Chiropractor in their area. You might have a discount on the assessment only available to them for being on the webinar to get them to sign up at the end of the webinar. By the way, once this is recorded, you can make this evergreen so you don't have to do a webinar all the time. As long as you are reaching more and new people with your Facebook campaign you won’t have to change the video all the time. Once you have people signed up to make an appointment, make sure they are also putting a deposit of a 100 dollars or something down. This will increase your show rate for the Chiropractors. Then give them a voucher for that Chiropractor, for more than you’re asking for at the deposit for services, to use with that Chiropractor. Allowing you to prevent cancelations etc. so that their getting their money back in the form of a voucher for services which, by the way, is not a discount and shouldn’t diminishing your Chiropractors Rates. This strategy I have used in several markets that has produced more prequalified leads and patients / customers. Remember to test, track and know your metrics. You’re going to need to make some tweaks in the beginning, but this can be very effective for you. So to recap: 1. Setup a landing page with your offer in exchange for an offer. You can build this in software like Leadpages.net or Megaphoneapp.com 2. Make your offer downloadable if an ebook or white paper or present your video after. I recommend using Wistia instead of YouTube for playback as you will be able to have heat maps of your video to know where your fall off points are. You can also make this page with the software mentioned above. 3. Use an email autoresponder to engage your lead and email them about the event you’re doing after they had time to read or download your materials. Or, if a video, I would just pitch them at the end with a link below the video to automatically register. 4. Put on a webinar with your guest using either GoToWebinar or Google hangouts if you know how to set that up. 5. Make sure you have your appointment getting page with your the down payment created. You can use several different type of scheduling services so you can automatically deliver the lead/ appointment to the chiropractor. To Note: The reason I don’t send the visitor to the webinar first is because it is better to get the visitor predisposed to your information before asking them to commit to a webinar and when you do it the way I played out, you will have a much better show rate. This is it in a nutshell. Obviously there is more to it. If you need another funnel idea I am hear to help. I have used other effective strategies in the past to also make money on the front end to make your advertising free. It just depends on what you want to do and how advanced you want to get. Hope this helps give you some ideas. :) If you need help implementing something like this just let me know.MH
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