MenuSAAS - What basic server architecture should we go for?
I think you're not fully embracing the lean startup methodology.
Is your SaaS handling some operations that are a matter of life and death or critical mission thing for an organization?
if the answer is No start with simplest option and do a soft launch and invite some carefully selected (50) beta testers.
Get the service going and gather feedback as much as possible. Then when you're at version 1.5 or 2.0 you'd know the problem you're solving a lot better.
Orbisius & qSandbox
PaaS is probably your best bet if you want to avoid hiring someone to manage things. Even managing two servers can eat up huge portions of your time — especially if these are new waters for you.
PHP/MySQL put you at a little bit of a risk, performance-wise, so be sure to keep an eye on resource usage.
In my current role, I'm putting WordPress sites up against thousands of concurrent users, so while the exact usage probably isn't the same, the tech stack is similar.
I'd probably do something like this (pretty much what I use): a Rackspace setup that can automatically scale when traffic spikes, with New Relic to keep an eye on performance and leaks in the app itself, and probably nginx/Varnish to try and keep the load off the servers in the first place (assuming any part of your app is cacheable).
A stack like that is not cheap compared to free, but it's cheap compared to a full-time ops engineer or spending a Friday/Saturday night trying to self-diagnose bottlenecks.
Good luck!
Take a look at Google Compute Engine. You'll pay by the drink, metered on your resource usage. Infrastructure cost drop drastically and you'll be on "GOOGLE's" gear / cloud. As an example, take a look at GetCloudCenter.com - the portal is running on GCE using LAMp servers, PHP, not sure about the DB side of things. They offer a demo portal to spin up and sell DaaS. Best of luck!
Clarity about the requirements of the service design should inform how you select the best platform deployment model now and in the future.
The Service Design should encompass 1) Availability Requirements, 2) Performance Requirements and 3) Scalability Requirements. Availability Requirements can be expressed in terms of acceptable number of downtime hours per year, Performance Requirements can be expressed in terms of maximum required transactions per second, and Scalability can be expressed in terms of the degree of linearity in adding additional peal transactional capacity to the system.
Implementing these service design requirements using a PAAS approach will require having significant technical expertise on staff. A different and more flexible option to consider would be to use an infrastructure-on-demand approach as currently being offered by Amazon Web Services (AWS).
AWS would allow you to deploy your preferred technology stack at an initially smaller cost commitment level and then scale up both the transactional capacity and redundancy as the build out of your business model warrants.
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I started a large SaaS Company for B2B where perfection in code is as importante as it gets. So here is my advice, DON'T CODE until you know what the Saas Really is. First start understanding what the problem REALLY is. Interview people and actually spend 100% of your time doing Customer Discovery. (This sounds easy but it is a skill you'll have to develop far more important than coding). Once you understand what the problem is, come up with a value proposition. Still no code. Then make a sell. If you can actually find things already existing that you can Hack and put it together then use that. Then make another sell. If you can sell it to at least 50 people if you are B2C, or if you are B2B you should have at least 1 customer. Once you do that then start automating some parts of the solution that you have hacked and so on. But THE most important thing is to be in constant conversations with your customers and hot leads. Remember you are a customer making machine not a coding machine, the first one is where the money is. Hope this helped you, if you want to talk more about customer discovery and customer development, just give me a call.JC
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How can I manage my developers' performance if I don't understand IT?
Whenever you assign them a task, break down the task into small chunks. Make the chunks as small as you can (within reason, and to the extent that your knowledge allows), and tell your devs that if any chunks seem large, that they should further break those chunks down into bite size pieces. For instance, for the overall task of making a new webpage, _you_ might break it down as follows: 1) Set up a database 2) Make a form that takes user email, name, and phone number and adds them to database 3) Have our site send an email to everyone above the age of 50 each week When your devs take a look at it, _they_ might further break down the third step into: A) Set up an email service B) Connect it to the client database C) Figure out how to query the database for certain users D) Have it send emails to users over 50 You can keep using Asana, or you could use something like Trello which might make more sense for a small company, and might be easier to understand and track by yourself. In Trello you'd set up 4 columns titled, "To Do", "Doing", "Ready for Review", "Approved" (or combine the last two into "Done") You might want to tell them to only have tasks in the "Doing" column if they/re actually sitting at their desk working on it. For instance: not to leave a task in "Doing" overnight after work. That way you can actually see what they're working on and how long it takes, but that might be overly micro-manager-y At the end of each day / week when you review the tasks completed, look for ones that took a longer time than average (since, on average, all the tasks should be broken down into sub-tasks of approximately the same difficulty). Ask them about those tasks and why they took longer to do. It may be because they neglected to further break it down into chunks as you had asked (in which case you ask them to do that next time), or it may be that some unexpected snag came up, or it may be a hard task that can't be further broken down. In any case, listen to their explanation and you should be able to tell if it sounds reasonable, and if it sounds fishy, google the problem they say they encountered. You'll be able to get a better feel of their work ethic and honesty by how they answer the question, without worrying as much about what their actual words are. Make sure that when you ask for more details about why a task took longer, you don't do it in a probing way. Make sure they understand that you're doing it for your own learning and to help predict and properly plan future timelines.LV
Can a WordPress site be converted into an iOS app?
Be careful when simply wrapping things into a mobile app. This can backfire on you and you could be presented with some very harsh edge cases. PHP isn't going to be encapsulated so much as the HTML/CSS/JavaScript. So keep in mind your mobile application could likely be in a position of requiring an online connection to work (because it must interface with your existing hosted WordPress site). This could also mean your hosting solution needs to be evaluated to ensure you can handle any increased traffic (and those traffic patterns could be different when coming from a mobile app that perhaps loads things the user doesn't see right away, accesses content that may not be cached, etc.). You want to ensure your server doesn't go down because then your mobile app would be "down" as well. That said... Things like Phonegap (web views) are a wonderful idea for utility apps because the performance is good enough for those (and hey even some games) and they end up being easily ported across many mobile operating systems. I would look into Phonegap, Appgyver (a new and totally awesome one because parts of it will utilize the native OS and your app will feel more responsive), Appcelerator Titanium, and perhaps even the new Famo.us one. Also take a look at the Ionic Framework for some further ideas about mobile UI and what you can do with these web view style apps.TM
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