MenuIs it possible to succeed in Used Car Dealer Online Business?
I have +3 million active mobile users (android) in the middle east and most of them are from Saudi Arabia. I'm monetizing using Admob ads because of its global reach and other ad networks don't have high fill rates in Middle east countries. My apps show about 100 Millions Ads monthly and 30% of them is monetized by ads and 10% is used for cross promoting of my new apps. 60% is not utilized. I'm thinking to focus on creating Car Dealer mobile application , then website, for Saudi Arabia because I'm sure I can reach to 1 million Saudi users (during one year) and monetize it in better way for local car sellers and Car agencies. Is it a good idea?
This is a great idea! You are essentially guaranteeing our success by providing the demand search capability that users will build for you to promote to car dealers. Having the search traffic, it would be extremely beneficial for dealers to want to partner with you. You can go a bit further and provide with them the yelp model so they in return help you by pulling their own traffic to your app thus monetizing from both traditional ads and paid dealer memberships.
You can also simply offer white label services to dealers.
Great entrepreneurial spirit! Love it!
Humberto Valle #Unthink
Per my knowledge the middle east & Saudi Arabia offers a great market for user cars. People are passionate about driving the latest & trendy cars.
From your description above, you have access to a captive & engaged audience that you can market this platform to. Used card Online dealerships are also picking up in North America. Checkout platforms such as www.beepi.com & www.truecar.com. They have been able to prove the online model and also successfully raise funding.
Key ingredients for their success is they don't just serve as a portal for used cards such as auto trader, cars.com etc, instead they get involved in the buying & exchange of the used cars themselves. Thus ensuring they provide a great user experience for the buyers & sellers, at the same time there is opportunity to make money during the entire process.
With used cars being regularly sold & exchanged in Saudi Arabia, this seems like a strong opportunity. You could see better success by looking at the opportunity to solve the problem end to end instead of just serving as a lead-generation website.
I have complete experience in launching marketplaces similar to this. Happy to engage further.
good luck!
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Great question, this is something that can be handled with a proper deal structure involving some vendor financing. I recently did a video about this very topic for one of my YouTube followers. Check it out here: https://youtu.be/hWm4ZQxWlEw You basically make the vendor's outstanding gift certificates a 'currency' which can be used by the buyer to repay the vendor loan. It's a net-sum game for the seller since he's already received the cash without having to provide the goods or services. Hope this helps. Feel free to schedule a call anytime you have a question about business transactions. DavidDC
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These are some great questions. As an entrepreneur, growing and scaling my business has been both a challenging and rewarding task. I'll answer both your questions separately: 1. How should you decide which business idea to pursue? Your decision should take into account both personal factors and should have regard to your environment, your market and your resources. From a personal perspective, choose an industry which (1) you are passionate about and (2) you have knowledge/experience in. This will considerably reduce your risk of failure. As a startup founder, you will find your job to be extremely challenging and the only way to succeed is through resilience. If you are not passionate, you will easily give up. Having the knowledge and expertise of your industry will not only give you more gravitas but also save you lots of time in research and understanding the wants and needs of your customer. From a larger perspective - ensure your business solves a problem that is large enough to build a profitable business out of. Here is a non-exhaustive list of questions to help you get there: 1. What is your intended customer base? It is harder to target a broad and general audience - try to establish a niche customer base which needs your products and/or services. 2. What problem does your service/product solve? Identifying a problem and providing a solution is the heart of every innovative idea. 3. How can you add value to the product and customer experience? Your customers need to gain benefit from purchasing your goods/services. 4. What are the most unusual characteristics of your business which will give you competitive advantage on the market? Establishing yourself in the market means you need some advantage over your competitors to attract their customers or new ones. 5. Have you researched your competition? In what ways do you feel you can do better than the competition? You need to know who are you facing to understand your market share, and how can you provide better solutions. 6. Do you have access to all the resources you need to launch the business? This includes funding, manpower, premises, equipment etc. 7. What is the size of the market? Do your research! 8. What would it take to create a minimum viable product and test it on the market? You don’t need a finished product to launch, start small and test your ideas. 9. What will it take to make profit? You need to have at least some estimated financial projections as to what you need to spend and what you need to earn in order to break even and then make a profit. 10. Is the problem you are trying to solve on the top priority list of the potential customers? Important consideration to see whether your products will sell. 11. What is your business model? How do you plan on charging your customers, how do your competitors do it, can you create additional revenue streams? 12. Is there a potential for growth? Think in the long term, can you scale the business further? 13. What are the possible roadblocks you are likely to face? You should attempt to find a solution for each problem you can think of. 14. Have you chosen a business name? Make sure that your name is descriptive of the branding and targets your customers. Ask people their input - choosing a name is an important matter as it will affect the rest of your branding. 15. Have you looked for your business name online? Ensure that no other business can be confused with yours. Ensure that the domain name and all social media accounts for your business name are available. I hope this answers your first question. 2. How do I decide which direction to invest my energy in and how can I develop my idea further? This will come to you much more clearly once you have found the answers to your first question. Ensure that you are spending your time in a way that produces results. Your first goal is to bring your MVP, to test it amongst customers, to learn from feedback and then to improve your product. Repeat this formula until you reach product market fit. I hope this helps - please don't hesitate to get on a call with me if you'd like to drill this down further.AI
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