MenuWhat are the top 3 books on fundraising?
I am looking to raise money for my industrial electronics startup. What are the must-read books for first-time fundraisers?
I don't know if I would suggest a book on "fundraising" because this is a situation in which personality, quality of team, execution and overall market potential play a determinant role in you getting funded.
I've read a lot of books! I mean really a lot!! Mainly because i enjoy it, but the books that have helped me most as entrepreneur aren't even entrepreneur guide books.
What you seem to need is a resource that can help you shape your mentality into the right approach to pitching. Check out my blog: unthinkeverything.blogspot.com there I have some books listed, among them is one I honestly love and currently rereading for my 4th time: Presentations Secrets of Steve Job. This book helped me secure half a million in my first try.
It did take me a few versions and a lot of time practicing and desiging my pitch but it worked. And that's what you need, results not generic motivators that are written to sell books but not give you tangible rules and tools.
I come from a not for profit background so most of the "fundraising" I do is somewhat different than what you are talking about. That being said I would recommend reading Jerold Panas's book "Asking." He is talking about charitable fundraising but the book is short and it touches upon key motivators which can be adapted to a business environment where you are really looking for investment. The big key is to get them talking. People who are being asked for money, think that they are pretty smart and so if you talk at them they will phase you out. If you go seeking advice you can draw them into the idea and they will want to be a part of the company.
One would definitely be Brad Feld's Venture Deals. http://goo.gl/664j9
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I'm reluctant to say "it depends," but legal expense for a true seed round varies dramatically based on: 1. Whether the investment is structured as a priced equity round vs. convertible debt (or variations on that theme such as "SAFE") 2. Number and location of investors, timing of closing(s), and prior angel investing experience 3. Company counsel's efficiency and fluency in industry norms 4. "Deferred maintenance" necessary in areas like corporate formation, founders' equity issuance and IP assignments. #4 is the item that takes many entrepreneurs by surprise. On the investor side, it leads otherwise very savvy observers to give unrealistically low estimates of legal expense because they assume starting from a clean slate. This item is also most resistant to automation or standardization because startups come into being many different ways; each story is unique. I would put the lowest estimate at around $3K, assuming the company is already formed as a Delaware corporation with clean, basic documents, has issued founders' stock and handled related IP and other matters, and simply needs to issue a convertible note to one or two accredited investors with minimal negotiation of documents. The highest I would expect for a true "seed round" is about $15K, where some corporate cleanup is needed, the deal is structured as a streamlined kind of preferred equity (e.g., Series Seed), there are multiple closings with investors on different dates and terms, etc. Beyond that point we're really in "Series A" territory, doing things like creating a full set of VC preferred stock investment documents (about 100 pages), negotiating with investors' counsel (at the company's expense), and so forth. The expense and complexity of a traditional Series A deal have been the main impetus behind using convertible debt or Series Seed-type documents for seed-stage investments of less than $1 million or so in recent years. I hope this proves helpful. Always happy to chat and answer further questions.AJ
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