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MenuThis is a very complex question.
I have personally gone through funding, I've used angellist and other platforms for this purpose. The reason for needing funds is not a concern for you at this time. Your concern is approach. Focus on that.
Check out my blog
I have some books listed there that I recommend, I particularly did benefit a lot from the Presentations one that is there on the right in my blog.
Your goal is to craft an image that engages with a certain type of Persona, similar to what you should do when crafting a marketing strategy to sell your product. Then make that pitch, angel profile, landing page, pitch deck... All speak to that persona only. All you have to do is convince one person, but if you trysts focus on pleasing everyone you'll end up with nobody. That's often true because investors go for the people running the business not the MVP or idea alone. Even a great idea if not presented correctly will lose opportunity.
To give you more detailed insight and guidance give me a call. This is not easy but it is a lot of fun!
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