


Can anyone recommend an ideal co / m&A firm / resource to approach re exit strategy. We're a v fast growing start-up, but want to assess options. Thx!

UK based market-place scale-up with strong global / US presence, 4 yrs old, bootstrapped, annualised turnover rapidly approaching £2m pa, growing fast, huge global scope and coverage already in growing market. Strong team, partnerships, very positive global PR, growing market and market leader disrupting very attractive consumer sector, award winning business, capital efficient, fantastically rewarding profitable business, top 40,000 Alexa rating, just want to assess options (due to personal circumstances) and consider strategy for the end game - not necessarily there at this stage, but want to know how best to work towards exit and glean the best advice to optimise options for that. Also whether that would be best targeted in UK or US. Any pointers would be…


Bryan O'Neil, Internet Business Acquisitions/Valuations Expert answered:

Having been active in the industry of online acquisitions for half a decade I would strongly recommend you to consult with a broker who specialises in online properties, as bricks and mortar M&A firms typically don't have the necessary knowledge to provide you with an accurate valuation, or the contacts to find your business a qualified buyer when the time comes to sell it.

You're welcome to speak to either my team (I run the brokerage division of Flippa.com called Deal Flow - http://dealflow.flippa.com), or other reputable brokers in the industry, such as Quiet Light Brokerage and FE International.


Yoash Dvir, Business and legal expert answered:

It sounds like you don't need a broker yet but someone to brain storm the idea with. If you go to a broker now, you will be offered JUST what that broker knows and not other options that might be on the table. As someone who gave legal support for a lot of companies, I was also very often the CEO/ Chairperson's "shrink" as well and we discussed such issues thinking what are their best options to move forward/exit. You can give me a call so we can have a quick chat to see if this is relevant in your case as well.

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