MenuIf you are exploring what career best suits you, what is your method to find the skills that others find valuable? A job that is enjoyable most days?
I am currently working as an event demo specialist, love working with people. Taking a break from college-(I'd love to go back but want to be mentally ready and have a cause that pulls me. Some Interests are sports, personal development, travel, innovation in technology, helping others, being apart of something bigger than myself. The vision I have seems very idealistic, but I would like to work with someone who could help a turn these interests and ideas into skills and a good concrete road map!
As someone who has hired and fired quite a few people, the #1 skill that I find most attractive is self-motivation. Those are the people that you are not having to constantly look over their shoulder to make sure work is being done. It's not necessary that you always get it right, but that you work at it hard with creativity. That's incredibly valuable.
As for an enjoyable job - if you don't like being indoors all day, don't get a desk job. I know it sounds obvious, but there are countless people that do this on a day in, day out basis. Don't necessarily look for a job that you want. Search for what you like to do that the job will provide. If you like to problem solve, maybe look at the software field where you can build software to creatively solve problems. If you like cultivating relationships with people, look to find a job where that need will be met, even if the job "title" or duties aren't glamorous.
You've explained it well already - align your work with your values, and you can find joy in whatever you do.
Reverse engineer your outcome. Start with the end in mind and work backward.
If you love working with people, what does that look like?
Sales, coaching, teaching, therapy. Sit down and clearly define what type of work with people you find most fulfilling and start working backwards from that point to where you are today.
By understanding the bigger vision, you will be able to more effectively eliminate the pieces that don't fit and you will be able to identify the possible stepping stones much quicker.
Schedule a call to discuss this further.
Just because your vision is idealistic doesn't make it unrealistic. I would talk to friends and get some really good feedback from them on what they see as your strengths (and weaknesses if you can stomach it), also pay attention to what strangers say about your strengths. I would take a myers briggs if you haven't yet and buy strengths finder 2.0 and get ideas from those areas to see what comes up and how it resonates with you. These results aren't set in stone (they don't DEFINE you), but they can be insightful and help you to understand how to line up your strengths with a gig that you would enjoy dedicating work/ energy into.
Finding something may take some time, but remember that this is a process and so is life. I would look at this journey as a big experiment with a bunch of smaller experiments along the way. You make a hypothesis, set up a test, gather data, you then learn, rinse and repeat.
Also, check this video out:
The key to transforming yourself -- Robert Greene
No other option than to simply ask the question "What skills do your employers look for?" of people in careers you think you might like. Social Media is a good way to do this. Another is to read and read in between the lines of job adverts. Most jobs are not enjoyable most days btw. They are occasionally very rewarding but even heart surgeons will tell you that after a while it can all get a bit samey. Try this link https://www.udemy.com/sales-skills-to-win-your-perfect-job/
Your career path should account for your goals, future, and personality. It is also important to revisit your career goals as you grow personally and professionally to ensure your goals remain achievable and aligned with your interests. Once you have narrowed down your options, consider establishing milestones for your career. Research where other people in your field are at five or ten years into their career and make note of the job titles they have. By establishing career goals five or ten years in the future, you can plan based on what progress you should expect every year.
Schedule time regularly to reflect on your career and goals. Different tests list common career choices for each personality type. If you take a variety of tests and one or two careers appear across multiple tests, that specific career is likely worth researching.
This self-assessment can provide you with an overview of your personality type and recommended careers by identifying Jungian cognitive functions or explanations behind certain psychological preferences. Your job satisfaction in previous roles can also help guide your career choices. Identify trends in your previous positions, such as focusing on a specific technical skill. Also, review your job history to identify positions that you felt fulfilled.
Many jobs have specific education requirements for applicants and new hires, such as obtaining a high school diploma, completing a bachelor’s degree program, or having a master’s degree. Some positions also require applicants to have their degrees in a specific field related to the position. Make a list of your current skills, certifications, and areas of expertise. Also ask for feedback about your technical, interpersonal and people management skills from co-workers and colleagues.
This evaluation can help you find careers that match what you are best at. Depending on your personality, you may have interests that lend themselves to different careers. While this information is outside of a professional context, creating a list of activities you like can help you focus a career search. For example, you may enjoy a career in cybersecurity if you enjoy logic puzzles, or you may enjoy a traveling sales role if you like meeting new people.
Use this knowledge to apply for short-term positions or volunteer opportunities to explore new career options. This first-hand experience allows you to test your suitability for a career. This experience can help you determine if the career’s skills and content are something you enjoy. Identifying your core values can help you focus on a career you find personally fulfilling.
While salary certainly does not equal an engaging, satisfying job, it is an important factor to consider when mapping out your career path.
Besides if you do have any questions give me a call: https://clarity.fm/joy-brotonath
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What's your end goal? Do you want to be a great employee? Or a business owner? What kind of a business owner--hands on, or Olympian? Big differences. Specialized skills are what's necessary for being a great employee or hands-on business owner. If you want to be a leading, delegating, deal-making business owner, then you need a different skill set. In either case, simply knowing what you want and being able to articulate it will put you ahead of 99% of the pack. Most people have no idea what they want and drift from thing to thing...their next job is similar to their last, or the first one that was offered to them... You can literally shave years off your career path by being ultra-clear on your target and going straight for it. I've had employers create custom roles for me four times. Each one knocked several years off my career path. It's why I was a production manager with six supervisors and over 150 floor employees reporting to me at 26. I created that job, by sending the employer a package detailing my plan and requirements. Want to partner with the best to learn specialized skills? Sell them on the idea of why they need to hire YOU and only you. Want to learn the art of deal making, delegating and other soft skills? Sell the right kind of business owner on why they need to hire YOU and only you as their assistant. Get IN. Once you're IN, you will get a completely different view of the world. For example, I worked for a national electrical wholesaler for four years. A guy was an accounting clerk when I started, and after awhile he got promoted to assistant to the GM for an area with 11 branches. That guy instantly got access to all the high level data and IN on the decision making at that level. He got to see the issues, information, solutions, and people who played at that level. Near the end of my time there I did a stock tracking project and worked with him. On my first day, I was shocked to see all this data. I was suddenly IN. Nobody else in my department got to see this data. And it was "no big thang" for these head office guys; they worked at this level every day. Set your target and get IN. I bet you cut 10 years off your learning curve by doing so.JK
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