MenuShould I continue developing my site further or keep a simple landing page with email capture to test my idea?
I have a landing page setup, do I develop the site further (be able to offer the product) and then upon order completion capture details? or leave it as a simple landing page with EOI capture (email)? (the former would entail additional spending as I am not a dev)
Depends on your objective.
If you really just want to know whether the idea is viable, you'll get the most bang for your buck by keeping things email-capture-only or putting up a "smoke test" where you have a Buy Now button that redirects to a "it's not available yet; but leave your email if you want to be notified when it's ready"... and see if you can get anyone to click "buy now" by clearly articulating on your landing page what the product will do for them. This also lets you test pricing sensitivity.
If you can't get anyone to leave an email or click "buy now" based on a really good description with images (or even better a video "demo") then building the actual product is unlikely to be worth it.
I have worked with startups for more than 15 years, mostly as a seed stage (pre revenue) VC.
More and more, funders and other stakeholders look towards third party proof points (e.g. users). If you can build a mock up or MVP great, but even a simple landing page with EOI proves that what you are working on may have legs.
Better to test, early and often is what the Lean Startup teaches us. Once you have proven something, only then move on, invest more, and build out. First search for problem/solution fit, then product / market fit, then scale.
If you'd like to discuss, drop me a follow up note and I can share more thoughts and resources.
capture the "intention" first and once you gauge the real interest continue building.
Use google forms to set up leads or interest, probably the best way to do it
Instead of building the product first, try and see if you could use some existing service to test our your market. For e.g. you could start a Facebook Group, or a mailing list to run things manually for a while. Get the user engagement, get a lot of feedback. And once you have enough material to work on, build the product.
In other words, get to market without building a product if you can. It's always easier to get some traction on existing (social networking and other) sites than a new standalone site.
1.Build the LP - converts?- If yes, move to step 2. If not, keep changing the traffic sources, message, style, features, product till something makes it convert. When it works, move to step 2.
2. Build the website like you have built the product but you haven't - If it converts build the product. If it doesn't, try step 3
3. Build a demo, simple video, all the stuff to show how your product works though you are yet to build the product - still doesn't convert? - Chuck it or pivot. If it works, build the product.
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There isn't a lot of published information that I've seen (or can quickly find) on how washio and postmates validated their business model, but I definitely agree that starting fairly lean and validating your business first even if that means a lot of manual effort up front is a better approach than investing heavily in infrastructure before launch. Of course, if you are very successful, that manual work will pile up quickly and managing it could be quite painful, but you can have worse problems than a successful launch. Maff Rigby's 7-day startup recommendation is definitely a good one.GW
Whats are some ways to beta test an iOS app?
Apple will allow a developer to register 100 UDID devices per 12 month cycle to test via TestFlight or HockeyApp. Having started with TestFlight, I would really encourage you NOT to use it, and go directly to HockeyApp. HockeyApp is a much better product. There is also enterprise distribution which allows you far more UDID's but whether you qualify for enterprise distribution is difficult to say. As part of your testing, I'd encourage to explicitly ask your testers to only register one device. One of the things we experienced was some testers registering 3 devices but only used one, essentially wasting those UDID's where we could have given to other testers. Who you invite to be a tester should be selective as well. I think you should have no more than 10 non-user users. These people should be people who have either built successful mobile apps or who are just such huge consumers of similar mobile apps to what you're building, that they can give you great product feedback even though they aren't your user. Specifically, they can help point out non obvious UI problems and better ways to implement particular features. The rest of your users should be highly qualified as actually wanting what you're building. If they can't articulate why they should be the first to use what you're building, they are likely the wrong tester. The more you can do to make them "beg" to be a tester, the higher the sign that the feedback you're getting from them can be considered "high-signal." In a limited beta test, you're really looking to understand the biggest UX pain-points. For example, are people not registering and providing you the additional permissions you are requiring? Are they not completing an action that could trigger virality? How far are they getting in their first user session? How much time are they spending per user session? Obviously, you'll be doing your fair share of bug squashing, but the core of it is around improving the core flows to minimize friction as much as possible. Lastly, keep in mind that even with highly motivated users, their attention spans and patience for early builds is limited, so make sure that each of your builds really make significant improvements. Happy to talk through any of this and more about mobile app testing.TW
What is a good way to find a niche group of people, who already converse on a regular basis, to test my app?
Look on Google Communities for technology focused BETA testing groups... Look on Linkedin Groups for business focused potential testers... Look on Facebook Pages for people who like apps/companies like what you are trying to bring to market... That should get you started.DW
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