MenuCan you offer 1-month or 1-week trials on in-app purchases?
I have my first application dedicated to Chiropractor's in the iOS App Store and it's a free download with a monthly investment for half the functionality. I want to offer a trial to show the value, is that possible?
You can't offer trials or even easily make refunds accessible via in-app purchases. What you can do is actually make manual deposits or write checks back to the users who ask for it. But the purchase behavior associated with in-app purchases really shouldn't require any promise of a refund. In fact, doing so might make people *less* likely to purchase being that you're telegraphing a weak offering.
Happy to talk through alternate ways of testing pricing and willingness to pay in a call.
You can add a license component to the app that checks your server for validity when it launches (there are actually services that do this for you if you don't know how to). This way you can offer trials of varying lengths and leave the in-app stuff to for purchasing. I've done this set up with my previous company and it worked exceptionally well.
No, iOS app store doesn't suggest any options for running trials. You could provide another half of functionality as an in-app purchase (freemium)
Auto-renewable subscriptions provide a simple way to offer free trials to users. When users sign up for a subscription with a free trial, their subscription begins immediately but they will not be billed until the free trial period is over. You can select one of the following durations for a free trial: 3 days, 1 week, 2 weeks, 1 month, 2 months, 3 months, 6 months, or 1 year.
Besides if you do have any questions give me a call: https://clarity.fm/joy-brotonath
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Apple will allow a developer to register 100 UDID devices per 12 month cycle to test via TestFlight or HockeyApp. Having started with TestFlight, I would really encourage you NOT to use it, and go directly to HockeyApp. HockeyApp is a much better product. There is also enterprise distribution which allows you far more UDID's but whether you qualify for enterprise distribution is difficult to say. As part of your testing, I'd encourage to explicitly ask your testers to only register one device. One of the things we experienced was some testers registering 3 devices but only used one, essentially wasting those UDID's where we could have given to other testers. Who you invite to be a tester should be selective as well. I think you should have no more than 10 non-user users. These people should be people who have either built successful mobile apps or who are just such huge consumers of similar mobile apps to what you're building, that they can give you great product feedback even though they aren't your user. Specifically, they can help point out non obvious UI problems and better ways to implement particular features. The rest of your users should be highly qualified as actually wanting what you're building. If they can't articulate why they should be the first to use what you're building, they are likely the wrong tester. The more you can do to make them "beg" to be a tester, the higher the sign that the feedback you're getting from them can be considered "high-signal." In a limited beta test, you're really looking to understand the biggest UX pain-points. For example, are people not registering and providing you the additional permissions you are requiring? Are they not completing an action that could trigger virality? How far are they getting in their first user session? How much time are they spending per user session? Obviously, you'll be doing your fair share of bug squashing, but the core of it is around improving the core flows to minimize friction as much as possible. Lastly, keep in mind that even with highly motivated users, their attention spans and patience for early builds is limited, so make sure that each of your builds really make significant improvements. Happy to talk through any of this and more about mobile app testing.TW
What is the best technology for developing a new mobile app from scratch?
There are two sides to that question. One is the mobile app itself and the other is the backend. If I misunderstood in any way and you didn't mean "native" app I apologize in advance. On the backend, there is no clear cut answer to which is the "best". It depends solely on the developers you are able to get. We for example use Node.js , mongoDB, redis, elasticsearch and a couple of proprietary tools in the backend. But you have your pick of the litter now both on the backend api and the datastore with the myriad of options available and touted as the "best" currently on the market. Now on the app side again it solely depends on what you need your mobile app to do. Experiencing first-hand "develop once, run anywhere" I can say it's more like "develop once, debug everywhere" to quote a Java saying. We have tried Phonegap and Titanium Appcelerator and we have switched to native (ObjC and Java) after a couple of months of trying to go the hybrid route. The reasons behind the choice are as follows: - anything that breaks the pattern of how those frameworks NEED to operate is just a huge technical debt that keeps accruing a huge interest. - anything that uses css3 accelerated animations on Android is buggy at best and slow as hell at worst on any lower (< 4.1 I think) versions of Android I hope this gives you some insight. If you need/want to ask me anything feel free to contact me. MihaiMP
What tools to use for mobile Prototyping ?
My 2 favourite are: - www.uxpin.com - www.flinto.com Flinto is by far my favorite for mobile. I also us www.balsamiq.com for anything wireframe. Sometimes I jump into Sketch http://www.bohemiancoding.com/sketch/ for more high fidelity mockups using their Mirror feature http://www.bohemiancoding.com/sketch/mirror/ Hope that helps. P.S. There's a tonne of Mobile UX experts on Clarity, many $1/min - call them, you'll learn so much. my2cents.DM
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