


How should entrepreneurs divide their week?

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Govindh Jayaraman, Entrepreneur. Change-maker. Leader. Learner. answered:

There's a bit of myth regarding time management in my view. That said, I think there are two perspectives to the answer - depending on your perspective in asking the question. If you're asking because you seem to be running out of steam before you get the work you need done in a week, I'd suggest your issue is not time management but either energy management or focus.

I've done a few blog/podcasts on this subject from that angle:

On the other hand, if you feel like you work all day and are failing to get ahead on the key and important parts of your day, I'd suggest you have an issue with establishing priorities:

Make it a great day!

Maryam Taheri answered:

Here's my philosophy, when you're doing something you love, that you're passionate about there never seem to be enough hours in the day...when you're not into it or passionate about it , you can't wait for the day to end. At least that's my personal experience where there can be day to variances and some days we all just need a break.

I think entrepreneurs should fit time for creativity and coming up with ideas, working on product, and making new connections into their week. Making contacts and connections is probably the most important thing...they're the most helpful. At the end of the day it's not always what you know unfortunately, it's who you know.

Then, at the end of the day you need to take time for YOU. Rest, watch a movie, sleep. That's usually when you'll get your best ideas, when you're not trying to have them.

Deborah Tutnauer, MEd, MSW, Transformational Success Coach for Entrepreneurs answered:

There are an infinite number of books and articles on time management. Which method you choose is a matter of your personality, energy and industry.

Regardless, the concept of Zero Level is crucial to any entrepreneur. Every single day there are certain things that are non-optional in your business. This is your Zero Level. Once you nail your Zero Level, other action items for the week more naturally fall into place.
Read more at http://deborahtutnauer.com/entrepreneur-success-coach/zero-level/

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