MenuHas anyone ever used proficient productivity/time management techniques besides the Pomodo one?
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The Pomodoro method really is great, but it isn't the end all be all when it comes to time management. One of the important aspects of the Pomodoro method is that there is a clear start and stop time of your task. Another way that I like to use this methodology is with an app called brain.fm. It allows you to play brain wave music to help stimulate your productivity. That alone is good enough, but it also gives you a timer. Just focus on your task until the timer ends and the music stops. 30 minutes or an hour goes by in a flash when you're hyper-focused on a task. Give it a try and let me know what you think!
There are plenty of time management and productivity techniques that legitimately work.
Some off the top of my head:
- Eat that frog / most important task.
- Silent cockpit / removing digital distractions.
- Automation.
- Batching tasks.
- Productive procrastination.
That being said, the Pomodoro Technique is a classic and works well for most people.
I found “Biological Prime time” method works best for me, allocating time blocks for tasks and prioritising the tasks from the day before.
Your Biological Prime Time is the time of day when you have the highest energy levels, so you're most likely to be productive with your work. Mine is before 12pm. I put my phone on DND and do most of my tasks from 7-12, leaving my afternoons for phone calls and meetings.
Yes. Feel free to ask a more specific follow-up question and I'll write a more specific follow-up answer. I could guess what you want to know and answer accordingly, but I might just end up wasting your and my time — which would be incredibly ironic. :)
There is alternative to Pomodoro technique, but my question to you is have you implemented the technique properly to make it successful? Many people overlook the additional stages and simply focus on the main work blocks and breaks. Using the five stages of the Pomodoro Technique means that you are continually improving your performance and not just getting through the day’s work.
The Flowtime Technique is a good alternative.
Besides if you do have any questions give me a call: https://clarity.fm/joy-brotonath
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